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6 months later

"No, Jules. I trust him."

I had built my trust, over the course of six months. I am not going to assume anything, Ella thought to herself.

"Not doubting him.. or anything but.. How pretty was this girl though?" Ella found herself asking, she was chewing her lips and her heart rate had gone up.

"Oh, she could pass as a model. And there's this.. tiny detail, very tiny detail that I should add." Jules, as Ella called her, sounded a bit worried and hesitant.


"You mentioned something about him going on a.. business trip?" Julie stopped for a while.


"He's on a.. a v-vacation."

Ella's heart dropped, a wave of anger fills her body. She rushed out from her office before marching to Paul's office and telling (more like yelling) that she had to leave early.

"With the girl?" Jules was still on the line when Ella asked the question.

"Um.. yes." Ella grit her teeth at Julie's answer. She was so done with men.

. . .

Ella pulled her suitcase along with her. She had used one of her husband's private helicopters without asking him, for obvious reasons. She wanted to catch him red handed.

However, the noisy helicopter had surely caught the attention of her dear husband. Perks of having a billionaire husband.

She could have used the airplane, of course, but this husband of hers had taken his bimbo to one of his private island.

How dare he do that to me!, Ella thought angrily as she wiped her angry tears.

The beach was very beautiful, Ella had to admit. Especially because she had came there during sunset. Her husband never took her anywhere, he was basically a workaholic.

However, he seemed to like this stupid bimbo very much. After all, he hadn't even taken his own wife on a vacation but here he was.

In the middle of the sandy beach stood a beautiful wooden house made with expensive wood and glass. Ella felt her heart cracking when she thought about this stupid bimbo.

How long had this been going on for?

Leaving the suitcase that Julie had packed for her, she ran towards the house. Considering that she was still in her work clothes, her hair tied in a tight bun, she would look comical in any other situation but not now.

The moment she stepped inside, she met the green eyes of her loving husband.

"Where is she," Ella demanded with a face that screamed bloody murder.

"Who?" Her husband had the audacity to smirk.

With gritted teeth, Ella walked towards him and punched him in the jaw. Not expecting this, he lost his balance a bit.

"Ow baby, there's no one here," he said before holding her wrist so that she couldn't do further damage.

"Release me, you twat. Tell. Me. Where. She. Is," Ella growled.

Her husband pulled her into him and smiled down at her.

"There is no one here except you and me, my sweet Ella."

Ella looked deep into his emerald green eyes. He wasn't lying.. he was honest. Ella's eyebrows drew together in confusion.

Ella's phone dinged in her pocket. Her husband cautiously released one of her wrists and waited for her to check the notification.

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