22 | scarred jealousy

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Chapter Twenty-two


"Are you m-mad at me?"

"Yes," he grits out. His darkened eyes rake over my form and darken even more. I put a loose strand of my hair behind my hair.

"Is it because of the job?"


I take a step closer and he automatically takes a step back. I take a few steps closer and he does the same, but backwards. I'm pretty sure it is supposed to be the other way?

He mutters something under his breath and walks inside. I follow him to his room and it's quite difficult to keep up with his pace because I'm wearing a dress that isn't meant for running.

Zach faces the window and he looks outside. His fists are clenched by his sides. He is trying to control his anger. I feel a huge grin growing on my lips and I feel giddy with excitement. Paul's plan had definitely worked.

"You're j-jealous," I state in triumph. He grunts in reply and continues to look outside. His jaws are probably clenched and his breathing laboured. Chuckling silently, I walk to him and wrap my arms around his torso.

"You don't have to be," I mumble into his back.

He doesn't reply. I pull away and walk around him so he is facing me.

"It was a f-friendly kiss," I say innocently and stand on my tiptoes to wrap my hand around his neck. "Besides, he kissed me on my cheek. It's not like he-."

"Stop talking," he says. He looks like he's in pain and I give his lips a peck.

"Besides, h-he knowingly did that. To make you jealous."

"I said stop talking." I roll my eyes.

"Y-you don't even get to be jealous, it's not like we're-" Zach's lips come crashing down to mine. He pushes me against the window, his hands grab my sides in an iron grip. The kiss is nowhere gentle but bruising.

I tighten my hand around him and kiss him back, trying to match his intensity. His teeth bite my lower lip and I gasp loudly, giving his tongue the entrance he needed. His tongue discovers my mouth, and I can't help but moan.

The sound causes him to push me deep into the window and kiss me even harder. My toes curl and a weird voice comes from the back of my throat.

We pull back after ages. Breathing heavier than ever, we stay like that. Zach's forehead touches mine and we gaze into each other's eyes. Zach breaks the silence.

"Only I get to do that to you. Because, only you do this to me," Zach's hand slides down my arm and stops at my wrist. He lifts my hand in his and places it over his chest.

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