Chapter fifteen

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"Not everything is about men!" Tia shouts from behind me. "She's right you know?" I say to Sophia as she ignores her sister. Some how the twins ended up in a stupid argument and I just got dragged into it. I've just been agreeing with what sounds right from either one. "Yea and I'm not the one who needs to stop fantasizing about somebody that doesn't want me!" Sophia storms off and Tia takes off after her. I groan and slide into my car, as I wait I turn on the radio. All tinted by Wolftyla comes on and I just let myself vibe as I wait for the twins.

The song is over by the time they come back and I stare them both down once they are in my car. "What?" Tia frowns. "It's Friday, which means good vibes and yellow. There's a party tonight, I invited Stanley. He's at my house waiting, NO MORE FIGHTING." I roll my neck for emphasis and they both roll their eyes. "Fine." I smile and start the drive to my house. Once we are at my house Tia asks to use my shower so she can start getting ready for tonight. Sophia follows me into the kitchen and greets Stanley with a hug. "Hey! Are you excited for tonight?" Stanley grins and does a little shuffle. "Fuck yes!" His excitement is contagious, I find myself dragging him and phia upstairs so they can help me pick out a outfit.

The pair sits on my bed and I begin pulling out my options. I show them my white romper, some blue striped pants and a black t shirt, and then I showed them a green two piece outfit. They go crazy over the two piece so I pair it with my black puffer jacket and some black heels. Tia comes out of my bathroom and agrees with Stanley and Sophia as she gets dressed. I take a quick shower and then put on a pair of shorts and a t shirt while I wait for Tia to do my hair. She braids my hair into two braids but leaves the bottom parts of the braids curly. She wraps some gold string around my ponytail holders and then pulls out a few small pieces of hair. When she's done I look like a fairy, a sexy fairy. Stanley picks out my accessories and instantly I love them, he chose my gold name necklace and then some gold heart earrings, lastly he found a gold Barrett that he slipped into my hair.

I stare at myself in the mirror and smile. "I look amazing." Tia nods at me before turning to Stan. "You're gonna look even better once I do your makeup." Sophia says as she walks out of my bathroom. She quickly gets dressed then focuses her attention on me. As we all get ready Tia turns on some music and we all jam out together. Once Sophia finished I didn't waste any time in seeing what she's created. She used light green eyeshadow and then gave me winged liner and some falselys. For affect Sophia added a gold heart on the left corner of my face and a black one on the other. "I love it." We all finish getting ready and then we go downstairs to pregame. I grab the bottle of tequila I hid from Nancy and then grab four shot glasses.

"Let's play never have I ever so we can get into the party spirit." Stanley says and we all agree. We have to leave at 8 and it's 7:30 now. We quickly play a round and then make our way to my car. I turn on my Bluetooth and then type in the address to the party. I turn on auto drive because I don't drink and drive. Then I scoot my seat back a little and ask Stanley to hand me my bag. "So I herd Trevor was going to be there." I say casually out loud. I start rolling up and turn to look at Tia. "Yea so?" She pretends she doesn't care but deep down I know she still cares about him. "Soooo maybe he'll try to talk to you." She rolls her eyes with a smirk. "Of course he is I look hot." As I look at Tia I can't help but agree, she does look good. 

"I can always make him jealous." Stanley says to her. We all laugh because it's true he doesn't seem to have to do much to make the other guys upset. "Oh yea! You'd do that for me?" She asks in surprise. "Of course you're one of my best bitches now." He smiles at the three of us and I'm so glad I met him. I spark the blunt I was rolling and take a fat pull from it. I start to cough but once's that's over with I smile at my friends who seem surprised to see me cough. "It's been three years since I've seen weed make you cough." Sophia says. I hit the blunt again before passing it to Stanley who smiles at me. We stop at a red light and I see Donny getting into Katie's car, kinda hurt my feelings but I'm not going to let it ruin my mood. I turn back to face my friends who have apparently already seen what I saw. "It's fine, I'm the one who told him that we were just friends." They nod simultaneously and I turn on some music to bring back that positive vibe.

When we pull up to the party I see so many people already. The music is loud and there's people everywhere, I feel the excitement in my body so I quickly get out of the car. As I wait for my friends a very handsome man walks up to me, he has a dark brown skin and these beautiful hazel eyes and don't even get me started on his lips. He was a work of art yet here he was approaching me. "Hi I'm Jarell." His voice sent the butterflies in my stomach south. "I'm Hailey." I shake his hand and find myself amazed at how soft his skin was. "So did you bring a date?" He asks and I turn to my car finding my friends still inside. "One sec," I walk over to the passenger side and open the door. "What the hell?" The three of them look at me and I can tell they are all high already. "Get a move on. Let's go you three." They all climb out and follow behind me ask I walk back over to Jarell.

"Jarell meet my date Tia, her twin sister Sophia and our newest member Stanley." They all wave at him and he smiles. "That's too bad, hopefully I'll see you inside." I walk away with the three idiots following me, "Hails he was so sexy! Ugh you lucky bitch!" Sophia says to me and I let out a laugh. "You're right he was but I'm not here to look for a man. I'm here to have fun!"

Hey guys! This chapter and the next are kinda just filler chapters because I'm struggling with how I want this story to go.

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