Chapter twenty three

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The moment we got in the car Jarell put a blindfold over my eyes. "Oh come onnnnn." I can hear him laughing from my left side. "It's a surprise. You look beautiful by the way." I can feel my cheeks heat up at the compliment. "Thank you. You're not to shabby yourself." He chuckles. It's quiet for a minute but then the sweet voice of Jhené fills my ears and I don't fight the smile on my face.

"She's my favorite artist hands down." His hand falls on my thigh and I have to fight the urge to raise it a little higher. "I kinda figured, at the party you sang with your heart." My hand fly up to my mouth in shock. The memories from the first night we met flood my mind like a damn that burst. The energy between us as we danced made my entire body ignite with passion. "I can't believe I slept with you on the first night." My cheeks heat up in embarrassment. "You must think I'm such a hoe." He laughs and I mean really laughs at me.

"If I thought that I wouldn't be here right now, taking you out. I wouldn't have spent the last two weeks with you and your friends." His words make me relax a little. The car stops and his hand leaves my thigh cold. The car door opens letting the warm wind enter the car. Jarell helps me out of the car but still doesn't remove the blindfold. I let him lead me to wherever he's taking me, not like I had a choice really. I can hear the woosh of automatic doors then the air that follows is filled with lavender.

I can hear footsteps that don't belong to me or Jarell, I've been standing here next to him for about five minutes. I feel him push me forward so I start to walk again. We walk for a few minutes before coming to a stop, the sound of a door closing behind me. "I really hope you enjoy this." Jarell whispers in my ear. The blindfold comes off and I'm standing in the middle of a bunch of trees. "Give it a second." Almost if on cue the lights go dark and these bright purple dots start to fly through the air. Pink, green and orange follow behind. Soon the room is filled with neon colors flying everywhere, it took me a minute to realize that the flying dots were butterflies.

"They glow! How do they do that?" I spin around as they flutter past. "I'm not too sure, something to do with animal friendly paint and what not." I walk the path that's already been laid down. "This place is amazing Jarell. How did you find it?" I turn to look at him but I get a face full of chest. "Sorry." I apologize and he lifts my head up so I can look at him. "I wanted our date to be special, not the basic movie and dinner. I wanted it to be something you'd remember forever." His words warm my heart so I decide to go in for the kill. As he kisses me it's slow and sensational, I can feel the kiss in my toes.

He pulls away and I frown. "We have to eat still." He leads me to a table that's hidden behind a waterfall and I almost pass out. The table is covered in rose petals, there's candles everywhere and a man in the corner with a cello. "This is absolutely perfect." I smile at him as he pulls out my chair. "Good. Wait for the food it's to die for." He's definitely been around Stanley too long. "I hope you don't mind but I put in our order before we came." I shake my head. "Not at all." He reaches across the table and takes my hand in his own.

"These past two weeks have been really exciting for me. Minus the Donny drama." I giggle but I can definitely agree. "You've made me realize things about myself that I never even felt the need to think about. Whatever you decide to do after prom I'll support." The last part confuses me but I don't say anything. "I hope this is right time to ask," he comes around the table and pulls me from my chair. We start to dance to the sweet sound of the cello, the low melody gives me a sense of nostalgia.

"What's this song?" I lay my head against Jarells chest. "The full moon." The name brings back memories of me and my dad dancing around in our old backyard. "Nancy kinda helped me plan." He looks at me with a boyish grin. "I should have known." A server comes and sets our food on the table. "Thank you so much." Jarell hands her a hundred dollar bill, the woman's eyes light up. "Enjoy." She leaves us and Jarell leads me to the table.

"I ordered linguine, garlic bread and tomato soup." The smells are making my mouth water. "What did I do to deserve you?" I tease him and he playfully shrugs. As the flavor from the linguine fills my mouth I don't even try to hide the fact that I love it. After we've eaten the lights come back on and Jarell leads me out a door and to a lake. There's glowing fish inside the lake, "This place is amazing." We get into a row boat and he paddles us all the way to the middle of the lake. "Hailey..." I look up from the water, those hazel orbs staining back at me. "Will you be my girlfriend?" Fear hides in his eyes as he asks me this. I feel excited and scared at the same time. "Yes!" I decide to take a leap of faith, as Nancy calls it, and allow this man to get closer to me.

As the night progresses I learn quit allat about my new boyfriend... that's such a weird thing to say. I've never actually had a boyfriend. Jarell loves baseball, he used to play when he was in middle school, his dad left him when he was five and his favorite food is gyros. Not one time tonight did I find myself second guessing my choice to go out with Jarell. In fact since we've been spending so much time together it just feels wrong when he's not around. We pull into my driveway around midnight but I'm not ready for him to go yet.

"Do you wanna come inside and smoke with me?" Relief covers his face, he didn't want to leave either. We quietly enter the house and make our way up to my room. Jarell makes himself comfortable on my bed while I sit at my vanity to roll. I open my smoke drawer only to find out that I've smoked all my Dutch's, "hey I only have a wood left, is that cool?" He nods and I waste no time in breaking it down and filling it. I join him on my bed and sit Indian style so he can still stretch his legs out.

"So I was thinking.." he looks up from his phone and gives me his full attention. "There's a extra bedroom in the back of the house, I wanted to convert it into maybe a chill area for when everyone comes over." I spark the blunt and take a big puff. "Okay and what's stopping you?" I hand him the blunt and watch as he hits it. He looks so good.. I tell my brain to shut up. "Well I need help, I don't want to hire anyone though because people like to tax. So maybe on Friday you could come over and help me get started?" He hit the blunt again before passing it back to me. "Sure." I do a little dance to sow my gratitude. We spend the rest of the night talking to each other, trying to learn one another.

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