Chapter one

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I wake up at 7:30 and hopped in the shower. The warm water hits my face and I run my hands over my hair. I quickly wash my body and jump out. I throw on some black skinny jeans, a blue shirt and some blue nikes. I go downstairs and grab a banana and some toast. I walk out the door and jump in my brand new jade green Tesla. It was a birthday present from my grandparents, along with the 8 bedroom house I live in alone.

As I drive down the street I eat my toast and think about my mother whom I miss dearly. I sit at a stop sign so I can finish it before making the drive to my stupid school, Broadstien high. When I pull into the parking lot all eyes go to my car. I can hear people whistle and shout, "Nice car." I laugh to myself and park near the doors of the school. When I get out my two closest friends run over to me. "Hi Hailey!" Sophia says to me with a smile. I give her a hug and then turn to Tia her twin sister. "Hey dark one." She smiles and nudges me. 'Dark one' is a joke between me and the twins.

Their personalities crash every time and it's hilarious. Tia is outspoken and loud, not caring what people say about her. She loves horror and all things gory. Sophia is more laid back and reserved, not wanting all the attention on her. Sophia likes bright colors and romance stuff. We walk through the school doors and smile at people who speak to us. We aren't popular or anything but, there are many people who like us and associate with us.

"Soooo tomorrow is Halloween and I was thinkinggg..." Tia looks at me and I instantly know she's up to something. "What?" She smiles. "We could do a costume party at your place? It's the only place big enough to fit the student body." I think about it for a minute and then agree. "Okay fine. I don't want to be sad tomorrow anyway." She gives me a big hug and walks off to chemistry. I turn to Sophia and she's looking at me with this creepy smile. "I might've asked your teachers for your assignments yesterday and did them all so we could skip and go shopping today.." my eyes nearly bulge out of my head. "You what?" I whisper shout at her because a teacher is walking by. "You heard me bitch!" She laughs hysterically and I follow behind her as she stops at all my classes dropping off the work she did.

"You're actually nuts Phia." She laughs as we drive to the mall. Once we get there I drag her into my favorite costume store. We look through the shelves and Sophia pulls out a sexy maid outfit. I giggle as I push her into the dressing room to try it on. I find a sexy wizard costume and quickly go to try it on. I hear Sophia open her curtain and I shout to her that I'm in the one next to her. She slips inside and I let out a whistle. "Damn you look good girl. Come clean this table for me." I joke and she does a spin. "It's a little high in the back but I think I'll be fine." I nod as she shows me what she's referring too.

I strip out of my clothes and put on the short skirt and corset. Then I tie the cape around my neck and turn to Phia. "Well?" She looks from the mirror and growls. "Now that's hot. Your boobs look amazing." She turns and feels my boobs through the outfit. I laugh and push her away. People tend to mistake us for lesbians because of how close we are. We're always doing little tell tale signs according to people who have hung out with us. She slips out to go change and I quickly change into my clothes. I pay for both of our costumes and we head down to the food court to get smoothies.

"So I know tomorrow is going to be hard. That's why Tia and I are going to spend the night with you." I smile and thank my best friend. "I think I'm gonna visit them tomorrow for a hour if you girls don't mind?" I turn to her and she nods. "Of course!" As we turn the corner I notice the cute barista behind the counter. Sophia grabs my arm and I tell her to relax, "Be yourself babe. If he doesn't love you he's crazy." She nods and takes a deep breath. "Hey Zach." The man behind the counter smiles at her. "Ah Sophia, it's always great to see you." The smile on her face widens. I know the pair will never ask each other out so I step in and decide to take things into my own hands.

"Hey Zach can I have a blueberry banana smoothie... and how about you join Sophia and I next Saturday at the arcade around 4?" As he prepares my smoothie he thinks about my offer. "Sure why not." He hands me my smoothie and waits for Sophia to tell him what she wants. She orders a pomegranate smoothie and I scrunch my nose. "It's on the house guys." I thank Zach and head over to the picnic tables. "We aren't going to the arcade Saturday." Sophia says as we sit down. "You're right, WE aren't going. The two of you are though. Your first date thanks to me." Her eyes widen and she blushes. "Thank you Hailey."

I let my eyes roam the mall and I look at all the people around me. I give them stories as I go along, something I started doing after he left me. I look at someone with dark brown hair and piercing hazel eyes. I didn't linger too long and moved on to the next person but something in my head told me to look again. When I did whoever that was, was nowhere to be found. I shrug and look at Sophia who stares down at her phone. "We have to go pick up Tia. She got suspended for fighting Angel." A smile takes over my face and I quickly jump up to rescue my friend.

When I pull up to the school Tia is sitting on the stairs waiting for us. She jumps in the back of my car and I turn to her with a smirk. "Well look who it is... so Ali how did it feel to knock that bitch on her ass?" I give her a high-five and she laughs. "Her nose is broken and she has a black eye." As if on cue Angel walks out of the school and I take note of her injuries. "Could have been worse." I say before I drive off. "So how did it start?" Sophia turns to face me so she can get a better view of her twin. "She was talking shit during gym and I wasn't having it. I told her if she had a problem she could have came to me." Sophia nods.

"She spit on me and I lost it." My eyes widen and I let out a disgusted sound. "She is disgusting." I hear the sound of a lighter and look over at Sophia. She gives me a innocent smile and I laugh out loud. "No way. Where did you get that from?" Tia leans forward to watch her sister inhale the sweet smoke from the blunt she had. "Tony." Tia snorts and I shush her. Tony is Sophia's ex boyfriend and current drug dealer. "I can't believe you still talk to him." She looks at me as she passes me the good stuff. "I never respond unless it about weed." Nodding I inhale the smoke and feel my nerves relax. I pass it to Tia and focus on the road. "Where are we going?" I look at the two girls and we all bust out laughing.

A Ghostly LoveOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora