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I swallowed against the lump in my throat and looked up at Rhex. His face was clean shaven and his expression was blank. I swallowed again, trying my hardest not to reach out to him. He was dressed in his army fatigues and I could see the barrel of the rifle sticking up from behind his back. This was the first time I had seen him since we had returned from Earth. He had been called to stay with the other trainees until they left. I had been alone for the past two days, it hadn't been fun.

"You look handsome." I pulled my hands behind my back and tried to keep my breathing even. A muscle in his jaw twitched and I felt my chin tremble. "I'll miss you." I watched his hand tighten on the strap of his pack before he swallowed.

I looked around us, there were only a few others saying their goodbyes and I blinked away the tears, trying to be strong. I was terrified of him leaving but I didn't want to show it. I wanted to be strong. I didn't want to fall apart but the longer the silence grew the more I felt like I was going to shatter. I turned my gaze back to Rhex and his eyes looked almost sad as he reached out into the space between us. I stared at his hand unsure of what it was he wanted.

He gave a small gesture with his fingers and I tentatively reached out with my left hand. He grasped it gently before sliding a plain gold wedding band on my ring finger. I blinked in surprise at the ring and he said nothing as he stepped closer. I was confused but he brought my hand up to his mouth and kissed my knuckles.

"I'll miss you too, Liv." His words were low and I felt tears blur my vision and I pressed my lips together tightly, trying to stop the trembling of my chin. I blinked away the tears and watched as he closed his eyes before rubbing my hand against his cheek. "More than you will ever know. Stay safe." He dropped my hand and backed up I clenched my hands into fists to keep from reaching for him. He turned his back to me and started walking away.

"You be careful, Rhex." I felt the tears again but I didn't fight them back. He gestured with his hand as if to acknowledge he had heard me and I took a shaky breath in as I watched him enter the shuttle.

"It's not him you should be worried for." Nadila's voice was sharp and I turned to look at her as I wiped at my eyes. Her lilac eyes were furious and I tried to ignore how my breathing started to increase with worry. I became aware of two large men with severe faces standing behind her.

"Is everything okay?" I knew my voice was too quiet and she inhaled quickly as if about to say something when the two men behind her pushed past her. I took an involuntary step backwards, suddenly scared as they grabbed my arms with unnecessarily tight grips. I was jerked forward and my heart jumped into my throat.

"Let her go!" Nadila's voice was vicious and the two men ignored her as they pulled me away from the docking bay.

"Nadila?" I hated how small I sounded and I looked over my shoulder at her. Her face was twisted with rage. The fear was nearly paralyzing and I tried to focus on getting my legs to work properly.

"I order you to let her go this instant! She is an Orrian citizen, not a criminal." I could hear Nadila following behind us and people were starting to stare. The man on my left grunted before squeezing my arm tightly. I gave a small yelp of pain as he pinched my skin slightly. "You are hurting her!" Nadila's voice was frantic and I tried to focus on breathing.

"We have orders-"

"Orders to take her to her new lodging. Not to drag her there like some animal." Her words were harsh and the man on my right let out what sounded like a scoff.

"She is a half-bre-"

"That does not make her an animal!" Her voice was practically a bellow and the two men froze in place. I fought back my panic as more people stared at us with curious gazes. "You are to treat her with respect and dignity. She is not some creature that is below your notice or feet. She is mated to an Orrian and that alone demands your respect." She pushed past the two men and stared at them, her face lined with anger and it practically vibrated the air around her. I felt nauseous at the tension and I focused on her face hoping the familiarity would make the nausea go away.

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