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I cracked an eye open, fully aware that I had gotten very little sleep the night before. I had vague recollections of waking from nightmares and Rhex pulling me close, whispering sleepily to me in Orrian until I drifted back to sleep. I was thankful I couldn't remember the nightmares, it was worse when I did because then I could dwell on them. I closed my eyes and pulled the blanket over my head as the light came on.

"Liv." Rhex's voice made me groan. The blanket was pulled off of me and I curled up into a ball, trying to keep the light from hitting my eyes. "Liv." I waved my hand in the air, trying to keep him away as he grabbed it gently and placed the translator in my ear. I groaned again, rubbing my face in the pillow, trying to ignore the cold breeze on my legs.

"We need to get ready to go." At his words I cracked open my eyes and was greeted to the sight of his sculpted abdomen. I felt my body more than my brain wake up in the moment as I traced the well-defined ridges with my eyes. His scar covered a good portion of his ribs and I trailed my eyes up to his face. He raised an eyebrow at me and I covered my face with my arm.

"My mum and dad won't mind if I miss seeing them for more sleep. They will understand." I reached for the blanket with my other hand and Rhex crouched down beside the bed. I could feel his warm breath on my face and I tried to ignore it as I grasped the edge of the blanket triumphantly.

"Liviya." His voice seemed to caress each syllable of my name in such a way it sent shivers through me, as if his voice were a physical caress. "Get your ass out of bed." I tugged the blanket closer and a large hand grabbed my wrist, stalling my blanket recovery.

I let out a huff of air in irritation. "I didn't sleep well." I knew I was pouting but I always got irritated and petulant when I didn't get enough sleep. Ever since I was little, if I didn't get enough sleep I woke up with my bottom lip sticking out in a perpetual pout.

"I know. You had a few nightmares. Do they happen often?" His voice was soft and I lifted my arm to look at him. His eyes were concerned and I nodded slowly.

"More than they should. I need to learn not to bottle up my emotions in order for them to stop. At least that is what my doctors used to say." I let the arm fall back onto my face and Rhex moved it before brushing my hair from my face. The light was too bright and I resisted the urge to cover my eyes once more.

"Liv, you need to get out of bed." He let my wrist go before standing up, giving me another nice view of his muscled physique. I groaned before pushing myself to sitting, running a hand through my hair. I carefully untangled the soft strands with slightly blurry eyes.

I did my best to wipe away the blurriness and yawned. "You don't have to dress fancy if you don't want to. My parents won't care." I pulled my feet over the edge of the bed and blinked sleepily. I hadn't gotten nearly enough sleep. I ignored the cold chill of the tiles as I moved to the closet and pulled out a random shirt and a pair of jeans. I threw them on the bed and looked over at Rhex who was doing the buttons up on what looked to be a dress shirt. I gave a snort of amusement at his choice.

"You look stiff in that. My parents would prefer it- No, actually I would prefer it if you were dressed in something more comfortable." I pulled a shirt from his neat stack of clothes and threw it at him. He gave me an even look with slightly narrowed eyes and I blinked slowly. "What? You are going to act more stiff wearing something that looks like it belongs in a funeral. It's just my parents, Rhex. You don't have to impress them. You just have to show up to prove that you aren't a figment of my imagination." I moved back to the bed and sat down on it before for falling onto my back and closing my eyes.

"So, they wouldn't care no matter what I wore?" There was a strange tone in his voice and I gave an unladylike grunt as an answer. It was far too easy to fall into the vortex of sleepiness that was promising me sweet dreams. I was nearing the edge of oblivion when the bed dipped and I became aware that Rhex was hovering over me.

My eyes snapped open and Rhex smirked at me from his position above me. One hand was pressed into the mattress by my shoulder and he had one knee pressed against the mattress as if balancing him. A warm hand touched the bare skin of my side and I was instantly awake as I inhaled sharply at the contact.

"Even if I wore nothing at all?" His eyebrow quirked up and I felt a sudden flash of heat move up my neck and to my cheeks.

"What are you doing?" My voice was practically a squeak and he brought his head closer to mine before rubbing his nose along mine. His lips were too close to my own but at the same time too far away.

"Making sure you don't fall asleep." A rich chuckle erupted from him as he stood up.

I blinked at him, my heart pounding in my chest. I glared at him before grabbing the closest pillow and throwing it at his head. "You're an asshole." I watched as he caught the pillow with ease and it made me almost angry. I gave a sharp exhale, trying to stave off my irritation at him. I watched as he unbuttoned the shirt he was wearing and shrugged out of it. I had to tear my eyes away from him as I gathered my clothes and hurried to the bathroom.

I closed the bathroom door and sunk to the floor, my heart pounding and my body aching with desire. I had almost liked it when he was aloof, at least then I wasn't the subject of all of his sexual intensity. I gave a small groan. It was my own damn fault. I told him I needed contact and he was just giving me what I asked for.

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