Kill plan B part 3

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Elena, Bonnie and Stefan had arrived at the Lockwood mansion together but had been split up to do different tasks. Elena was sent to sort through some masks when Damon and Jeremy walked up to her.

"Damon?" Elena playing at being shocked. "I thought you said that you weren't going to help today."

"I did but then baby Gilbert came to talk to me about Mason being after the moonstone which he found out from Tyler Lockwood." Damon smirked.

"And then Damon told me that Mason had already told you all everything and I feel like an idiot." Jeremy looked embarrassed.

"I actually think it's quite impressive that you found out all that on your own." Elena looked proudly at her brother.

"I want to help more." Jeremy admitted. "I know that you kept me out of it to protect me but I really want to help, Lena."

"Lena?" Damon murmured.

"Nick name from when we were kids and a sign of affection." Jeremy shrugged.

"Yeah, it's ten times better then NaNa." Elena chuckled, remembering the home video she had watched when she first woke up in this world. "When Jeremy was very little, he couldn't say Elena so I became NaNa."

"That changed when I was around 5, I think." Jeremy laughed. "That's when 'Lena' came into play.

"That is adorable." Damon mock gushed. "But now I need a nickname for Elena."

"Why?" Elena asked with her head tilted to the side.

"Because I said so." Damon smirked.

"So, what are you gonna call me?" Elena looked at him.

"I don't know yet." Damon shrugged. "I'll get back to you on that."

"Aren't you and Stefan going to commence the wolfnapping?" Elena hummed softly.

"Of course, we are just setting the scene." Damon walked off with a chuckle.

Around an hour later Elena had been joined by Matt in sorting through mask and costumes.

"So, where's Caroline?" Matt asked while trying to sound casual. "This is like her thing, I can't believe she's not here."

"She had something else to do." Elena shrugged.

"Is she avoiding me since she broke up with me?" Matt turned towards Elena seriously.

"No, she's not avoiding you." Elena told him. "She just had something to do."

Elena almost sighed in relief when Stefan walked into the room with a box filled with more masks. If Matt had kept asking questions, she would have either screamed at him or punched him and knowing herself option two was the most likely.

"Has anyone seen Mason?" Tyler walked in behind Stefan.

"I saw him take a call and then he took off." Stefan lied expertly.

"So weird." Tyler shook his head and walked off.

Stefan suddenly pulled his phone out and then he gestured for Elena to follow him. As Stefan drove them to the old Lockwood property, he explained about the plan Stefan and Mason had come up with.

"We need the moonstone to fool Kathrine into thinking that Mason is really dead." Stefan stopped the car. "But Mason said that the well he hid it in is filled with vervain, so you'll have to go down and get it."

"But how are we going to fool the world into thinking that Mason is really dead?" Elena asked as they walked towards the well on the old Lockwood property.

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