The Daughter of Death

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A/N: Oy! Ten thousand years will give you such a crick in the neck. - Gene

When Elena woke up she did her best not to smile and give everything away. She knew she was laying on the ground outside of the witch house and that Stef and Esther was standing in front of her while Elijah, Nik, Finn, Kol and Rebekah where glaring at their mother and Stef.

She knew that Bonnie, Caroline, Damon, Enzo, Jeremy and Mason was hiding in the trees, waiting for their que. In her mind she reached out to Death "Everything ready?"

"It is." Elena could feel Death's amusement. "Have fun, dear daughter."

"You are an abomination, Niklaus! You and your siblings!" Esther sneered at her children. "Monsters like you don't deserve to live."

"And who are you to decide who lives and who dies?" Finn asked with an air of disgust.

"I made you and I can unmake you." Esther declared. "I am the only one who does have the right to decide."

Elena couldn't stop the laughter from slipping out anymore. "Hahaha... Oh my God... Sorry, sorry... that's just fucking hilarious."

"Why are you laughing?" Esther demanded to know.

"Because you are so fucking delusional." Elena got up, the ropes that had been tying her hands and feet rotted and fell off. "And you seem to be arrogant enough to think your more powerful than Mother Nature and Death."

"What's that supposed to mean?" Esther asked haughtily.

"If Mother Nature and Death didn't want vampires to exist then they wouldn't exist, simple as that." Elena shrugged and looked down on her bare feet.

"You're too late to do anything." Esther sneered, ignoring what Elena had said. "I've already bound my children together and when one dies so those the others."

"You don't just mean the rest of your children." Elena pointed out. "You mean 'the rest' as in the rest of the vampire race as a whole."

"They are a scourge on all humans!" Esther screamed.

"They are needed." Elena retorted calmly. "It's population control. Because without them? Humans would have overpopulated the world and destroyed it a long time ago."

Esther didn't say anything she just nodded at Stef who, before anyone could react, sped over and stabbed a white oak stake into Elijah's heart. Rebekah screamed, Kol rushed forward and broke Stef's neck in anger, Finn looked devastated and Nik was by Elijah's side with a hand on his shoulder.

Elijah looked down at the white oak stake protruding from his chest and then he raised his eyes to look at his mother. "Ouch, that stings."

"What?! How?!" Esther looked shocked and scared.

"Do you mean 'How come he isn't dead?' or 'How come my children aren't dying?'." Elena asked with a smirk. "Be more specific please."

"Darling, how come I'm not dead?" Elijah asked slowly as he pulled the stake out.

Everybody turned to a smiling Elena. "It's a combination between your immortality and mine."

"You're not immortal." Esther scoffed in disgust.

"I am Death's chosen daughter and I am the only truly immortal being here." Elena turned towards Esther, eyes black, skin pale and with shadowed smokey wings on her back. "I will be here when this universe ends and the next one begins. I will watch the rise of empires and I will watch as time runs out."

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