41: consoling phone calls

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Whilst I lay on the grass I felt my phone buzzing in the pocket of jumper that I had grabbed from my room, I unlocked it and saw the message from Tae. I read it a couple of times and smiled as I hadn't heard from him in a while. 

Tae<3 - Hey, how are you doing?! I hope we can catch up soon and talk for a bit! I miss you and hope you can come and visit me soon with Judd as well if you want! 

I decided to give him a ring immediately, hoping he was still online. I wanted to hear his voice consoling me more than anyone right now. It rang twice and suddenly he picked up. His soft voice rushing through my ears, I almost started crying then. 
"Hey (Y/n), I didn't expect you to call me so suddenly. Is everything ok?"
"I-I just w-wanted to sp-speak to you." My voice started cracking as I was holding back the sobs that were rising in my throat. 
"Tell me what happened, you're obviously ok and you don't need to tell me that you are." He wasn't harsh when uttering these words, instead they sounded reassuring. 
"T-They l-locked me i-in a r-r-oom and le-left me th-there." I barely managed to speak and tears were already streaming down my face. I heard shuffling over the phone. 
"Where are you now?" He asked, trying to understand the situation. 
"I p-punched h-her o-over and ov-" I couldn't finish the sentence as I burst into sobs, trying to hold back the screaming by clenching my jaw shut. 
"Hey, hey don't hold back, it's ok I understand that you're not able to talk right now so let it all out. I'm glad you called me first." He sounded earnest and it lit up a small spark in my chest. 

I continued crying until I couldn't anymore, then explained everything to Tae in more detail before listening to his reassuring words. "I think you did the right thing, she had it coming and she doesn't sound like the nicest of people." I thanked him for listening to me and then we hung up after catching up with each other for a little bit. 

Admittingly the talk with Tae had calmed me down, but now my eyes were really puffy from having cried so much. I was now alone again in this field of grass that surrounded me, it wasn't cold to my surprise so I was comfortable in the clothes that I was currently wearing. I closed my eyes and let out a deep breath. 

Suddenly I felt the sound of feet moving towards me and then the thump of someone lying down next to me. "You're disappointed in me aren't you?" I said, not even opening my eyes to see who it was as I already knew. 
"I want to know what happened before making assumptions." Judd spoke softly grabbing my hand and intertwining it with his. So I was honest and told him everything whilst we lay down together.  When he heard everything he sat up, causing me to open my eyes and turn my head in his direction. He had fire burning behind his eyes, I could see it even without being able to properly see his face because of the dark. 
"If you would've told me I could've-"
"I deal with my business on my own, it's always been that way and it will stay that way. I know you're my boyfriend but I wouldn't have got satisfaction if it was 2 against 1." He breathed out a long sigh and then lay back down, I then decided to get closer to him and lay my head on his shoulder. I wanted to feel close to him in this moment. 

He began stroking my hair and running his fingers through it affectionately, "I love you (Y/n) and I know that you feel like you can take everything on yourself but I'm your boyfriend, we're supposed to do things together." He was speaking kindly with the voice he only reserved for me, I nodded and snuggled into his shoulder. 
"I'm going to get sent home for this aren't I?" I said disappointedly, he nodded and I shakily let out a breath, I had actually been looking forward for this trip and now it was ruined. 
"And you think I'm not going to come with you?" Judd replied, stroking my jaw then holding it and turning it up so that I was facing him. He then placed a soft kiss on my lips and let go and returned to the original position he was in. I couldn't deny that he had left my heart racing and butterflies in my stomach. 

After a while of us staying there chatting about nothing in particular Judd asked me a question that was the beginning of a long serious conversation that would leave my cheeks a bright red. "You know what really scares me?"
"What?" I asked, turning my head to face him again, he was staring up at the stars just like I had been doing a second earlier, but his expressions had contorted into one of pain for some reason. I sat up so that I wasn't uncomfortable and could look at him properly. 
"The fact that I don't want to lose you, I'm a selfish, angry idiot but somehow I managed to find you. You've completely changed me as a person and before I thought it wasn't possible to feel this happy. I felt like I couldn't breathe when I came home the other day and all your stuff was gone, I wrecked my room trying to find any sign that you were going to come back," He was talking but tears were streaming down his face, I felt a pang in my chest of pain but a type of pain I had never felt before, but before I could say anything he continued to talk, "If I lost you or anything happened to you I wouldn't know what to do with myself...When I saw Tabitha punch you back there I was ready to kill that Redhead brat but I couldn't do anything because you had already kicked her down to the floor." 
"J-Judd I-I'm sorry f-for leaving, I-In all honest w-when I l-left I couldn't sleep, I-I had to h-hug your j-jumper." I felt embarrassed not only at the fact that I had told him that but also because I couldn't speak properly again because of the tears streaming down my cheeks. At the sound of my cracked voice Judd sat up and tackled me into a hug. 
"I'll give you my everything if it means staying by your side." He whispered in my ear before connecting our lips. 

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