29: texting?

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I met Mavis by the bar and we began walking to the door, it was only logical that I was trying my hardest to be her friend. I think she noticed as well because she was retaliating the same energy. We had walked down to the beach and were sitting on a bench, chatting about everything and yet nothing in particular, she'd never really make me go into detail about anything which was nice. 

Her brown hair lightly fell onto her shoulders as it was being blown by a soft breeze, she looked like a tanned deity if I was being completely honest. I couldn't help but examine her from head to toe, she was wearing a white vest underneath a button down shirt which had a pretty Hawaiian pattern on it, she had paired it with some blue jean shorts that showed off her stunningly long and thin legs. 

I looked like a mozzarella compared to her, my skin didn't tan...it burned. Just sitting next to her made me feel self-conscious. 

"So, how are things going with Emo Birch bitch." She chuckled, eventually breaking the short silence that had fallen upon us, I furrowed my eyebrows but let out a small chuckle at her little nickname for Judd. 
"He's someone I probably couldn't live without right now." I blurted out, being bluntly honest. Biting my lip I looked at her to see her with a cheeky grin on her features. 
"Well fuck me, looks like your whipped." She exclaimed, clapping her hands together with a wide proud beam plastered on her face. 

A small sigh escaped my lips and I lightly nodded- lowering my gaze at the sand on the beach and the waves that washed over it, it looked so enticing. I couldn't really deny it at this point, it was blatantly obvious how much I loved that boy. "Well don't sit there dazing off, tell me about it." Despite not asking to go into detail she was still a very curious girl, but this was the first time she'd asked me further about a subject. I guess it was important to her because she was his family. 

I was about to reply when my phone went off, beeping harshly in my pocket, my hand slithered to fish it out. When I switched it on I saw the message that had appeared on my screen and felt a slight blush rush into my cheeks. 

JuddBitch: found a rock that reminded me of you. 

hOw RoMaNtiC

I mentally face palmed at him, but found it kind of cute because he had never said something like that before, despite it being so stupid. Mavis placed her head on my shoulder and read the message, suddenly bursting into fits of laughter. 

"God that boy really is a lost cause huh?" She added, shaking her head whilst chuckling. I smiled and replied:

why did a rock remind you of me?

He replied almost instantly to my surprise. 

JuddBitch: because it was round.

Me: 🎀 𝓈𝒽𝓊𝓉 𝓉𝒽𝑒 𝒻𝓊𝒸𝓀 𝓊𝓅 🎀

JuddBitch: I dare you to say that to my face idiot. 

Me: (▀̿Ĺ̯▀̿ ̿) bet, I'll be there in a bit

He visualised the message but didn't reply, I chuckled and shoved the phone back in my pocket. I had felt a bit rude texting someone else whilst I was in the company of Mavis but I wasn't going to let the opportunity to get instant replies from Judd slide. She had also seemingly turned her attention towards her phone and was smiling into it, I made a feeble attempt to look over her shoulder to see who she was texting but was pushed away by her hand.

"Aww c'mon that's no fair, you saw my text with Judd." I pouted and did my best attempt at 'puppy eyes' but she shook her head, her hair effortlessly fell back into place once it had stopped swinging around. I placed an exaggerated frown on my face and she turned her attention back to me.
"Uh oh, looks like someone's got a frowny face!" She said, gently flicking my forehead. I rolled my eyes and decided that I was going to get back to Judd, who was probably watching porn on the hotel television in our room, he had said the night before that he wanted to try it out because he had never done it before- to which I had replied by smacking him lightly around the head and turning my back to him. 

I stood up and thanked Mavis for spending time with me, we arranged to meet on another day and hugged each other goodbye. As I was walking back towards the hotel I felt my phone buzz with yet another notification. When I looked down at my phone I felt a smirk make its way onto my lips. 

JuddBitch: I'm waiting for you baby 

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