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Chapter 33: (Olivia's POV)

"Mom, I'm going home," I said, walking up to her, sniffling a little. 

"Honey, what's wrong? Are you all right?" she asked, grabbing my shoulder. 

"Yeah, I'm fine," I smiled, "Just tired, I'll see you at home," I said before quickly leaving with Ethan. 

I'm sure you're wondering what happened after he yelled at me, told me it was all my fault, said we're breaking up, and that he didn't believe me or trust me anymore. I'll catch you up. This is what happened: 

"This is all your fault!" he snapped at me. 

I physically flinched when he yelled. I don't know what it is, I don't take yelling very well, I'm kind of a cry baby, but it just hurt more when he was the one yelling. 

"Now, I'm going home, okay? And if you wanna stay and come back with your parents, that's fine, otherwise, I can drop you off," he huffed, seeming frustrated, agitated, and very angry. He thinks I cheated. I guess he has every right to be angry with me. 

Maybe it is all my fault. 

"Wipe your tears, are you coming or not?" he asked. 

"Can I just get a minute?" I asked. 

He left after that. And I cried a little more before gathering myself. I need to go home. I stepped out of the bathroom, getting startled when he was standing right there. "Come on," he said, grabbing my hand. 

I pulled my hand out of his grip. My heart is breaking over here, I'm not letting him hold my hand. "I have to go tell my parents I'm leaving, I'll meet you at the entrance," I said before rushing over to my mom. And that brings us here, outside, waiting for the valet to bring his car. His car was brought and he gritted his teeth in annoyance while holding the door open for me. 


He slammed the door shut before I could thank him. He then proceeded to speed to my house, parking the car in his driveway as he normally does. He stopped and turned the ignition off but neither of us moved. 

I opened my mouth to say something, to do something, but what could I do? He had made up his mind. "Goodnight," I mumbled, turning to the door. I opened the door and was about to step out when he grabbed my wrist and pulled me back. I turned to him to ask him what he was doing but he grabbed the back of my neck and smashed his lips down on mine. 

I was very confused. Like very confused. And I didn't kiss him back for once in my life. It would've been wrong. I pushed him back, looking at him in utter confusion. 

"What are you doing?" 

He stared at me before turning to the front. "You have to come inside," he said slowly. 

"To your house?" I asked. 

"Please?" he requested. 

"Okay," I nodded. We both climbed out and stepped into his house, going up to his room straight away. "What happened? You okay?" I asked. 

How is it that he just broke up with me but I'm asking if HE'S okay? 

"You're asking me if I'm okay?" he scoffed, "Are you okay? After what I did?" he asked. 

"I'll be okay," I shrugged, staring at the floor, fiddling with my hands. People don't usually stick around for me anyway. 

"God, I am so sorry, Olivia," he sighed, pulling me into a hug. 

"I uh, I'm confused," I mumbled. 

He chuckled, pulling away to look at me. "I'll explain, I'll explain everything, just let me kiss you for a minute," he said before slowly planting his lips on mine. 

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