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Chapter 29: (Olivia's POV)

"Who said that?" I asked, squinting slightly as we sat in the field. 

It was now the next day and we were sitting outside in the field during lunch to steer clear of the three devil spawns. Justin, Daniel, and Annabelle. It's meant to be. Now I finally get why her name is haunted. She's the devil's favorite bitch. 

"Jaden!" Skylar exclaimed. 

"What?" I chuckled. I was sitting in between Ethan's legs, my back leaning against his front while we had his arms around me, and was talking to Austin who was sitting beside Skylar. 

"I swear to god, in History. He thought it would be funny to pull the teacher's chair as he sat down and when he got sent to the principal's office, all he said was 'hasta la vista baby' to our teacher and then left," she laughed. Welcome to Sunset Westwood High. 

"Was he high?" Austin asked. 

"I think so," she nodded. 

"Jesus Christ," Ethan and I laughed. 

While we were all sitting and talking, the group of freshman boys playing soccer not too far accidentally kicked the ball, straight to my face. I jumped, turning my head to save my face but Ethan managed to smack it away. He laughed, looking down at my horrified expression. "It's just a ball," he shrugged, still laughing. 

"It hurts like a freaking bomb," I laughed while looking up at him. 

One of the boys came running over, panting and slightly nervous. "Sorry, we didn't mean to kick it all the way here," he said out of breath from playing. 

"That's okay," I smiled. 

"Just be careful next time," Ethan smiled, tossing him the ball which had rolled back over to Ethan after hitting the tree beside Skylar and Austin. 

"You're Olivia Carrington, right?" he asked while taking the ball. 

"Uh, yeah. Why?" I asked. 

He shook his head, "No reason. I just heard your name around, someone in the senior team," he shrugged, turning around to leave. 

"Hey, hey, hey!" Ethan called him back. "You're Zachary right?" The kid nodded. "Your brother um..." Ethan trailed off in thought. 

"Noah," he answered. 

"Right, yeah. He's on the team too, right? That's where you heard her name?" 

"Yeah, I was waiting for him to finish practice, they were taking a break at the benches. Noah didn't say it though, it was that other prick," he said, kneeling and tying his laces quickly. 

"What other prick?" Austin asked. 

"There's more than one on that team, you know," Skylar scoffed, "Not your brother though, he's nice," she smiled. 

"Uh, that blonde one, the guy trying out for captain. The one who hates my brother," he clicked his tongue in frustration. "What's his face? Jacob? Jonah?" 

"Justin?" I asked. 

He snapped his fingers. "That one!" His eyes went wide while he looked at me, sitting down with us after kicking the ball back over. Nice to know that not all freshmen are annoying. 

"Justin? Number uh..." Austin mumbled. 

"12," Zachary answered. 

"Justin," I nodded slowly. 

"What did he say?" Skylar asked. 

"I don't know, I normally stop listening when he opens his mouth but um," he paused, thinking about it. Ethan and I looked at each other. I think everyone just stops listening when he opens his mouth. "He was talking to that other blonde guy. The one you're friends with," he nodded at Ethan. "Daniel, right?" 

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