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Chapter 3: (Olivia's POV)

My phone was ringing in my clutch while I hung around in the bathroom, sitting on the couch with my heels off. I groaned, "Hello?" 

"Where are you?" 

"In the bathroom," I answered, already pulling my heels on. 

"Still? You left like twenty minutes ago?" he said. 

"Actually, eighteen," I corrected. 

"Whatever, Oliver Twist. Get over here, your pretty little ex is getting suspicious since you haven't been seen with me in a minute," he said. 

"Okay, bellboy, hang in there," I said before hanging up. "Nice nickname, bellboy," I mumbled to myself while walking out. I walked over, spotting him at the bar. I rolled my eyes at him before plastering a smile onto my face. "Hey," I grinned. 

"Hi," he smiled, still standing at the bar. 

"Do you always stand at bars without drinking?" I asked, sitting down. 

"Do you drink where your parents are? Exactly, no," he said, twirling a strand of my hair around his finger. 

"Don't touch the hair, Miles, it took a while to style," I said while adjusting my heels. 

"You touched my hair earlier," he said. 

"Right, you were seething," I snorted. I sat up straight, propping my elbows up on the counter behind me. "What now? Where'd he go?" I asked. 

"Somewhere, I don't know," he sighed, sitting beside me. "Olive," he said. I turned to look at him. "How are we going to pretend in front of them without having everyone see us at school?" he asked. 

I opened my mouth to give him a witty answer but nothing came to mind. If you knocked on my head right now, it would sound hollow. "Huh, I didn't think of that," I mumbled. We both seemed to realize and looked at each other in horror, "I'm not pretending you like you in front of everyone," we said in sync. 

"That's ironic because I think that's exactly what we'll have to do," he scoffed, looking around. 

I sighed, running my hand through my hair in frustration. 

What the hell did I get us into? 

"For once, I am actually sorry for you," I chuckled. 

"Why's that?" 

"I annoy you more than you annoy me," I shrugged. 

"Oh, so you're aware of it then?" 

I nodded, "It's just me being petty." 

He rolled his eyes, "Right." 

I was looking around, observing the party when I glanced over Annabelle who stood fairly far from us, but she was staring right at us, or more specifically, Ethan. "Oh, look. Your haunted doll girlfriend is staring at you... like a haunted doll would. Seriously, why would someone name their daughter Annabelle?" I asked, scrunching up my nose in disgust. 

"She's never even seen Annabelle, she's scared of horror movies," he said. 

"Annabelle isn't a scary movie," I frowned. 

"Exactly, so I hope you're understanding what a wuss she is," he mumbled, running his hand through his hair. 

"I thought you'd be the wuss. I don't find that movie scary, so I'm glad you don't," I snickered. 

"Very funny. That movie isn't scary even though it's meant to be. I just don't get it," he shrugged. 

"Me neither," I nodded. 

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