Mysterious events

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****Hey guys, here is another chapter of Diamonds. I hope you enjoy it. Please comment and vote. Thank you for the support. The picture is what the diamond ring looks like*****

The diamond ring began shinning again, making my hand shake uncontrollably. A small ray of light, began traveling form my finger, to my hand, to my arm and continue all through my body. I started panicking and tried taking the ring off, but it was glued to my finger. Electricity currents began filling up my whole body. The light landed on my feet and started moving back up again. I started slapping it like a cat who is following a laser, but it was no use, it got to my neck and I felt it landing on my eyes.

My vision went dark. I woke up and I found myself lying on the chamber. I tried adjusting my eyes and looked around. I was indeed in the same chamber, but it was very different. A couple of people pass right beside me and walked to the table were the diamond ring stood. There were 3 girls and 2 guys. 

"Do you think is safe lo leave it here?"  

"It's better here, we will come back later for it"

"What if others find it?"

"It will be no use for them"

They kept talking back and ford about the diamond ring without noticing me. I tried walking slowly towards them, but I couldn't move.  

"Excuse me!!" I whispered trying to get their attention, but they continue talking. One girl, grabbed the diamond ring and place it in the box on the table.

"I just hope we don't have to use it for a long time" 

The girl said, all of them  turned around and walked again right beside me without noticing my presence. I was trying to understand what she was talking about. Use the diamond for what? Who were they hiding it from? I was so confused.

"Hello!! Can anyone help me?" I asked, but they all continue  walking. I stood by myself again in the same chamber. I tried walking again, but this time I was able to move. I went after the group of people, hoping to see where they were going. The whole chamber was lighten up, with bright and giant lights. I was reaching the end, when a loud machine was turned on and the ground began shaking. Powerful wind started coming towards me, trowing me against a wall. I couldn't breath from how strong it was. I placed my hand in front on my face to try to stop the wind.

"HELP!!!" I yelled and blacked out again. I woke up in the dark chamber. I got up panting, trying to adjust myself. The ring was still placed on my finger. I took it off and threw it in the corner. I stood there looking around and grabbed my flashlight form the ground. I started walking away towards the exit, but I stopped in the middle of the chamber.

I took a deep breath and turned around to see the ring. Deep inside, I knew I had found something very important and I shouldn't leave there. My brain was telling me no, but my heart was telling me to take the ring with me. 

"What the hell!" I said, panting and going back to grab the ring. I placed it inside my pocket and walked back to where I fell.

"KATE!!!" I heard Emma screaming again. 

"I'm here!!!" I shouted.

"Where the hell were you? I got so scared, I being yelling for more than 10 minutes. The guys are here, they will go down there to get you" Emma said. I looked around and touched the ring in my pocket. I couldn't let anyone else see this place. For some reason, I felt that this place suppose to be protected.

"That's OK!! Just throw a rope, or a harness and  I will easily put it on" I shouted, hoping that they wouldn't come down.

"Are you sure?" Arnold's voice shouted.

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