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******Here is chapter 5. Enjoy guys!! The picture is the symbol Kate sees******

We made it to a big mountain covered with snow, that had  cave in it. I struggled to walk on the snow because of the big heavy boots I was wearing. Arnold made us walked around 20 minutes to the cave and we were exhausted. As soon as we reached the top, I fell down on the snow breathing heavily. Emma did the same thing while Michael and Arnold just laughed at us.

"That was very exhausting!!" Emma shouted losing her breath.

"Tell me about it. We are not use to walk on snow" I said breathing heavy and sitting up.

"That wasn't so bad ladies. The fossil is here, follow me" Arnold said. Emma groaned and tried getting up, but she couldn't. Michael chuckled and picked her up like she was a piece of cotton.

"Wow! You are strong" Emma said holding Michael's biceps. I rolled my eyes and tried to get up as well, but was also having a hard time.

"Here, let me help you" Michael said picking me up from my waist. He really was strong.

"Thank You!" I said, dusting the snow from my clothes. 

"OK, let's go" Emma said following Arnold. We walked inside the giant cave. It was wet, smelly, and there were a few lamps and tables left there. There were several rocks frozen inside as well and you could hear water drops deeper into the cave. The place looked like the perfect house for a monster.

"We left some lamps here because we knew, you will need them and some of the tables were used by the crew, but here is the fossil" Arnold said flashing his flashlight to a massive rock with a tail in it.

"What in the hell!!" Emma whispered looking with at the tail with wide eyes.

"What do you think it is?" Arnold asked.

"We don't know. We have to do a lot of testing and observations. Compare it to other bones as well" I said, getting a closer look.

"How did you guys find it?" I asked.

"We were hoping to do some snowboarding with the guys back in camp and we came here. We were resting in the cave and one of the guys notice a piece of the rock with the tail sticking out. We brought tools and started to dig and we found this master piece" Arnold said pointing to the rock

"Happy Accident. What do you guys do in the camp?" Emma asked walking around the cave.

"We work in a factory nearby. We set up camping there, so we don't have to go back to the city all the time, plus is seasonal" Arnold said

"Cool! This cave is very strange. Look at this Kate" Emma said flashing her flashlight to the cave walls. I walked towards her and see some scratches all over the place.

"We might have to call, other people" I said looking at the claw marks.

"OK! I'm gonna head back to camp. If you need me, Michael can call me. Head back before it gets dark" Arnold said walking out of the cave.

"You are not staying to watch?" Emma asked getting her tools out.

"I already took many pictures and I'm freaking freezing, so I'm fine" Arnold said, walking back to camp.

"Careful!! Thank you for bringing us" I shouted. I grabbed the backpack and started taking several tools out. I took brushes, hand shovel, globes, a small saw, jars, and some other tools. Emma placed her tools in a small towel on one of the tables.

"I'm gonna check the tail. Can you check the rest of the cave?" Emma asked with puppy eyes hoping that I left the best part for her.

"Sure. But next time, I'll check the best part" I said smiling.

"Yes!!" Emma said smiling and walking to the rock.

"I'm gonna brush some of the dirt and snow off and see if I can get a better look" She said, placing latex gloves on. I nodded and started walking all over the huge cave with a flashlight, gloves on and some brushes. I grabbed my cellphone and took some pictures of the markings  on the wall. I made my way deeper  into the cave and noticed a weird mark on one  the of the rocks.

I got closer to it to get a better look, stepping on the frozen rocks to reach it, when suddenly one the rocks moves and the whole set of rocks  opens and makes me fall on a giant whole. I screamed and slide the whole way down hitting some pieces of ice on the way, until finally I land on the hard frozen ground.

"AHHHH!! I groaned, trying to move, but my back was not responding. I tried moving slowly on my side to try to get up.

"Kate!!!" I heard Emma screaming in the distant. I was barely able to hear her.

"EMMA!!!" I screamed in agony. I got up slowly in pain and looked for my flash light. The place was not that dark, but I still needed the flashlight.

"Kate, are you OK!!" Emma shouted again.

"I'M FINE. PLEASE CALL ARNOLD AND THE GUYS TO GET ME OUT" I said groaning. My back was hurting from the fall. I got up and flashed my flashlight around. The place was some kind of chamber with long hallways.

"I'll call the guys!!" Emma shouted in the distant. I saw the same mark from the rock on the walls  of the chamber and started walking around the place observing the marks.  It was a 3 kite shape symbols connected together from their ends, making it like a flower shape. I took my phone out to take pictures, but it was broken.

"Great!!" I said sarcastically. I flashed my light around and see another hallway and make my way there slowly, hoping there was no animal there to eat me. I noticed there was another chamber in there, but this chamber had some bright light coming from the bottom of one of the walls. 

"Oh Thank god, I hope this connects to an exit" I said, thinking that the light was from the outside. I walked closer and dropped down on my knees trying to see through the bottom of the wall, only to be blinded by the light.  

"For the love of god!!!" I shouted, holding my eyes. I slowly started opening my eyes and trying to adjust my vision. I looked around and noticed the same 3 kite symbol on the left side of the wall. This time, the symbol was way bigger and it was inside one brick. I walked with my flashlight and started touching the symbol and observing it. Then, I place my whole hand on the symbol.

The wall suddenly started moving, making me fall down. I started crawling away from the wall to not get hit from any falling rubble. The light became brighter and brighter once the wall opened. I covered my eyes and face screaming from the intensity. Suddenly the entire light becomes less bright and smaller. I opened my eyes slowly breathing heavily and noticed behind the wall, was another chamber with a small object shining inside a box on a table. 

I slowly got up and started walking to the shiny object. I felt like it was calling me, I couldn't think, I couldn't stop. It was like if some force took over me and was dragging me to the object. Once I got close enough, I see the object is a bright diamond ring, but not like any other. This ring was all made out of diamond and was shining brighter than the moonlight. I slowly move my hand and grabbed the ring admiring it. I gasp at how beautiful it looks. I place it on my finger.

Then, It happened.

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