Chapter 9 - Part 1

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As the sun had tamed the weather into a docile beast the need for a barrier across grounds was no more. The promise of Spring lay just beyond the corner with just a few more weeks of winter left. Visibly in the sky, the early migratory Ha'fry birds had returned from their journey south, back to their dear homes. It made colorful displays of pearlescent whites and pinks with their flocks of millions.

The days at the Academy were loud and exciting filled with green students practicing arduously in its great vast grounds, now battered with pits and burnt ground all over. Master Uligarth had miraculously become more spritely as if he was 20 years younger. With the students in the yard practicing, his favorite activity, which was yelling at the poor souls, gave the old codger a boost of energy he had desperately needed after the harsh weather.

Haiden, unlike his fellow colleagues, was having a relaxing lunch with Tasgal in the Ash'en canteeen, brainstorming potential ideas and theories surrounding the mysterious reappearance of Regor in his life. Of course, Haiden told Tasgal what had happened the other day when he followed Master Coner and Mara. Which Tasgal was ready to accept as fact, unlike his other friends, Maree and Camila. Which of course were not pleased when Haiden had abandoned them for his Ash'en friend. Although curious about Tasgal's point of view on slaves, he didn't press the Ash'en when Haiden noticed he was dodging the subject.

One of the theories that Tasgal came up with was that the apparition was actually saying 'Feed me" instead of "Free me" all this time; to which Haide had to grant it to him, they did sound similar. But, he refused to believe his old companion would ask that of him even if he was a specter. They could not understand why Regor had forced Haiden to give him his Fios then, but it seemed important he did so at that time. In retrospect, it wasn't the smartest thing to do, though he wasn't sure he could say no.

Another theory, but this time on why Regor was at the Academy was because when he died he got attached to either Haiden or an object Haiden had on him. Haiden thought back at the items he kept, stashed neatly in a drawer; which he kept quiet even from Tasgal. He traced the scar on his palm as he mulled over which object could Regor be haunting. Secretly he was happy he could see his old friend, missing the time they had spent together during their trips; his nights full of regret from accepting his feelings too late to enjoy either rejection or bliss. Alas, the theory couldn't explain Regor's request to be freed, so they moved on to other theories even more ridiculous.

Cerebral as their lunches together were they still had not managed to come to a solid conclusion and plan of action to help Regor. That was up until one fateful night when the air stood still and that untraceable static bounced off Haiden's skin just as he was at his most vulnerable, about to doze off. A flash of images course in rapid succession through his mind and the static vanished just as suddenly. The images portrayed the massive tree in the courtyard, the page from the book, and Regor standing behind the tree the first time Haiden saw him.

The next day he couldn't wait to tell Tasgal what happened, waiting impatiently in Master Omnelia's class he tapped his leg incessantly. Once the hourglass ran out everyone ran outside in a frenzy to practice Minor spells. As Haiden went for the door he got flanked by Maree and Camila with their arms crossed around their chest. They gave Haiden a disapproving look.

"You've been ditching us for that big lump of muscle!" Maree started and Camila immediately palmed her face.

"What's he's trying to say is - "

"You've betrayed us!"

"Creators! Will you shut up!" she yelled fed up at Maree; putting on her nice face she turned to Haiden. "what HE's trying to say, is that we miss you!"

"Speak for yourself." Maree retorted and turned his back to both of them, clearly blushing. They ignored him.

"We haven't had lunch together in a week." Camila pleaded. "We miss having you around talking and laughing!"

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