Chapter 27 - Part 2

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A burning warmth enveloped Haiden as he slowly awoke from a deep sleep. Long has it been since had ever slept so well, without any worries or nightmares to pull him from the comfort of restfulness. Although constraining he let himself fall into it, forgetting anything else but the presence of a second heartbeat as a hairy chest tickled his face gently. Haiden buried his face in it, inhaling deeply.

He always smells amazing. He thought to himself.

And you're always late. Screech said into his mind ruining the moment. His eyes fluttered open and the noon light blinded him, making him recoil with pain.

Tasgal groaned as he stretched his defined body, every muscle bulging with every move. As soon as their eyes met, a smirk tugged at his lips. "'Gmornin" he mumbled and pulled Haiden tighten.

Haiden wanted to fight back to get dressed and run to the Training pit, the place where the last Trial will take place but the moment Tasgal pulled their waist together feeling his hard throbbing cock Haiden melted like snow in the sun, feeling his blood rush away from his head.

"Good morning." Haiden said shyly and relaxed his body as his lips touched Tasgal's.

YOU ARE LATE! Screech yelled this time in his mind and he bolted right up throwing the thin blanket on the floor revealing both of their naked bodies. Haiden couldn't control himself as he saw Tasgal sprawled on the bed, his member on display.

"Oh shit! Oh shit! Oh shit!" He began as he ripped his eyes away from the man and began looking from his clothes one floor.


"What?" Tasgal sleepily asked, his eyes bulging as he too saw the light of the sun shining brightly. "Fuck!" He too jumped out of bed and dressed as fast as he could. "We havta'hurry."

"No shit!"

Both of them were fully clothed in moments. Haiden headed for the door but Tasgal stopped him in his tracks. "Do you thing,"

"Oh, right." Haiden's presence disappeared right from under his eyes. There was not even a trace of his existence in the room. The door opened by itself and steps ran through the hallway. Both of them rushed towards the Training pit. There was a huge crowd of people huddling around one of the pillars that marked the pit. Tasgal went ahead and merged with the crowd, he had spotted his Ashen friends and blended in like no one batting an eye at his late arrival.

Haiden ran as fast as he could and hid behind some bushes, dropping his cloaking spell. He walked casually at the group of cloaked individuals and looked for Maree and Camila. They were among the very first in the group, examining a piece of paper placed on the pillar.

"Did I miss anything?" He asked as he heaved, he was out of breath, failing at his attempt to look composed.

"What happened to you? Your hair's a mess." Maree asked as he eyed Haiden briefly then turning to the piece of paper.

"You're late again! Don't tell me, you were sleeping?" Camila asked, looking angry, her arms folded around her chest as she stared past Haiden.

"Yes." It sounded more like a question than a statement. His face flushed as he then traced Camila's gaze as it went through the crowd. She was looking at Tasgal. Haiden swallowed a lump as his mouth ran dry.

"You better not make this a habit," Camila sounded irritated. .

"Make what?" Maree turned his attention back at them, "Hey stop pushing!" He elbowed someone.

"Being late." Camila quickly answered and turned her attention back at the piece of paper.

"You sure like to sleep in during important days, don't you." Maree chortled. "Take a look for yourself," Hai pointed with his thumb over his shoulder. Other people gasped as they read.

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