Chapter 15 - part 1

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Life bloomed all over the Academy grounds in a whirl of rustling greens and colorful blossoms. Spring had fully come to Elo'yn, even beyond the Academy gates. The city brimmed with merchants from all over the Empire with exotic spices, foods, and animals to sell, ready for a new start now that winter had passed. The new flux of merchandise and food stuff came as a welcome reprieve from the usual stew and sweet buns that, even if they were delicious, everyone was sick of having the same lunch and dinner for the third week in a row. Luckily for the students of the Academy the servants had managed to acquire a variety of meats, fish, and vegetables from one of the far islands of Ham'su where the volcanic ash soil provides all the nutrients necessary for the most delicious of tastes. One of the most popular items on the Wielder's dining hall menu was the meat pie, which Maree was currently savuring while watching from the stands, eagerly for the match to start.

A pleasantly sweet breeze brushed Haiden's hair as he took a fighting stance and stared his opponent dead in the eye. He couldn't risk lowering his gaze. A dangerous tactic that Tasgal always seemed to use when sparring with Haiden was to lose his shirt, displaying his chiseled body and dark trail that ran down his leather fitting pants. His pale skin contrasted the dark patch on his chest. Haiden gulped. He had to stay focused.

"Ready?" Tasgal called out. Haiden gave him a curt nodd. This wasn't Tasgal's first sparring match of the day, and he could see the sweat dripping off his body. Haiden approached him cautiously, looking for an opening in his stance, but Tasgal was a seasoned warrior.

Around them, people cheered mostly for Tasgal, but that didn't phase Haiden. Maree and Camila were the loudest after all, showing their support with embarrassing rhymes and quirky cheers.

Tasgal inched closer and closer, deflecting every attempt from Haiden to grab his legs from under him. They circled each other, careful not to allow any openings. Tasgal lunged forward to grab Haiden but he swiftly stepped back.

"Your reflexes got better." he noted.

"Thanks, learned from the best." Haiden replied with a smug face. Tasgal gave him a quick wink, his boyish smile took over his face. Warmth began to swell inside Haiden's chest as he got taken by surprise. In the split second Haiden got distracted, with another lunge Tasgal grabbed Haiden's thighs and with no effort whatsoever, he lifted him up in the air and threw Haiden on the graveled ground. Leaving no time for recovery Tasgal topped Haiden pinning him to the ground. Tasgal's body was pressed against Haiden's, his smell intoxicating. Tasgal blew Haiden's jet black hair out of his eyes as blues locked onto fiery ambers.

"Seems like you didn't pay too much attention." Tasgal tightened his grasp on Haiden's wrists as he struggled beneath his weight. Haiden was sure his face was read as could be, but hoped everyone passed it off from the excretion. It was a probable cause, the man weighed like 200 pounds of pure muscle.

Another Ashen counted to ten as Haiden was pinned, but he would not let this end here. He was, after all, a Wielder. Haiden reached within and pulled on his Fios that quickly bubbled to the surface in a wave of static, making his skin prickle. He didn't want to do something simple, but also didn't want to accidentally hurt Tasgal. Just as the count came to nine Haiden condensed all the moisture from the air in tendril like liquid appendages that wound around Tasgal's waist and arms and with a great amount of force was thrown off of Haiden.

The crowd boomed with cheers and screams as Tasgal jumped to his feet in a swift fluid motion and regained his composure as nothing happened. His smile turned into an inviting grin, and with a motion of his hand taunted Haiden to come at him with all he got.

Not shying away from the invitation Haiden broke into a sprint and used a force blast to propel himself into the air with a cocked fist he flung another blast towards Tasgal which was easily avoided by a sidestep. With an elegant play of steps, Tasgal rotated around Haiden landing himself behind the young Wielder. With a jab to Haiden's side he quickly immobilized him and again he found himself under Tasgal. This time his legs were wrapped tightly around Haiden's torso and his arm was bent to an uncomfortable angle. Haiden's mind went blank in a moment of panic as his arm was pressed tight against Tasgal. Nothing else registered to Haiden and with a gasp of air he called out his defeat before anyone could notice his arousal.

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