Back (Halloween special)

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    Throughout that week of the suffering Dexter never left your side. He made sure you were resting, well- hydrating, eating and as comfortable as possible. Every one of those nights he rubbed your head and brought the heating pad and thermal blanket so you would be in less pain. Thank god, it ended after a while and you were free. As the weekend neared, the weather grew colder, leaves started changing colors and flying off their branches, yes it was Autumn and Halloween was a day away. The whole school became more decorated than normal and you loved it. You always did favor Halloween but always spent it by yourself because your mom would always practice with Raven on that night. This year would be different though, because Ever after high was throwing a Halloween party and you were going to go with Dexter, it would be your first ever Halloween party and you were super excited. All throughout the school there were creepy decorations, spider webs with tiny spiders who either insulted you or gave you sweet compliments. You wore your normal outfit for the day which either was a dark princess themed skirt and top with black tights/fishnets or black ripped jeans/ black tights (whatever you prefer). Others students were dressed up or only had their makeup done for the party, while some, like you, didn't worry to much and planned to do it later. You didn't want to do any normal costume, so you were add a bit of your own special magic to your dark emperor/ empress costume. You felt there was a certain irony to you dressing up as an evil emperor/empress because that's what everyone wanted you to be and you were only pretending this night. As you walked down the hall, towards your locker, heading in the direction of the cafeteria, when you heard a familiar male voice that made your heart feel warm began to broadcast on the hallway monitors. "Hey guys, its Dexter Charming and DJ Humphrey coming at you all to remind you to vote on your Mirrorphone's tonight for the Ever After High All Hallow's Gala at 9 pm for the two contestants for hellish queen and king of the night", Dexter spoke loudly, his voice filled with excitement as he grabbed the camera in a childlike manner. "Everyone download the app on the screen made by Humphrey and I to vote in real time! Have a frightful day everybody!". And with that the stream ended and the monitors went dark again. You smiled to yourself and chuckled at his excitement, before getting what you needed and shutting the door. "Hi there friend!", the most annoying high pitched voice greeted you face to face;  Apple. "What do you want?", you asked as frowned. "Do you like my makeup? I based it off my destiny, deathly yet devastatingly beautiful poisoned queen", she said as she flashed her perfect pearly white smile, her makeup pretty much the same except for some slimming contour to give a bony cheek illusion, paler foundation somehow ever paler than her already snow-like skin and black shadows under her eyes and she wore a dress similar to her legacy day dress. "Yeah, you look awful", you said with a slight smirk. "Aw! Thank you! I was going for that", she said cheerily causing you to groan and turn away, "Fantastic for you apple", you said as to began to walk away. She followed and linked arms with you, "I see you don't look any different, c'mon get into the Halloween spirit, will ya!", she persisted, in a taunting way. You didn't respond to her, you just pulled your arm away and kept walking towards the cafeteria. "You can't ignore me! I am Apple Wh-", she began to rant but you pulled her aside and shoved her into the wall, near the doors of the lunch room, which just so happened so serve breakfast and dinner. "I don't are who you are Apple White, I don't care where you came from or who your damn mother is. I couldn't  give a rats ass about you. You are nothing more than a nobody trying too hard to appease everyone so you can feel good about yourself. And you wanna tell me what to do?! You want me to get into the Halloween spirit? We hurt animals, we made potions that COULD WIPE OUT ALL OF STORYBROOK AND ALL THE LANDS BEYOND THAT. MY MOTHER! MY SISTER! You want her to be like the evil queen so bad, how about I enslave you and your whole kingdom, make you my bitch? Huh?'", You yelled as you got close to her, inches away from her face, putting your hand on your neck as dark black flames arose around you, "You really want that? You wanna see my bad side", you whispered as you tightened your grip on her neck. "Y-You're hurting me!", she yelped as birds and squirrels ran to you pecking and scratching and biting you. The flames grew stronger, repelling the animals away from you as you stared her in the eyes, "When I say leave me alone, you better leave me the fuck alone, do you understand me?", you asked in a low tone, the urge to just snap her frail neck growing with each second that passed. She clawed at your hand," You have no idea what I'm gonna do to you and your little toy, just wait", she choked, her face turning red as she struggled to breath. You held back a chuckle as you watched her struggle, a fearsome darkness that only your mother provoked in you, showing its face, "I hope you rot", you said with a twisted smile. 

Dexter Charming x readerHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin