A Bloody Mess (slight dirty fluff)

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(not too dirty though lol)

        You woke up in the middle of the night. You sat up because something felt wet. You looked up and used your magic to create a dark purple light. There was no crack or hole on the ceiling, but your bed still felt wet. You removed the covers to see blood and a lot of it. You panicked at first but then sighed, "It's just my period", you mumbled as you got up. You went to the bathroom, took a shower and got yourself together. You snapped your fingers and your bed was clean once again. You looked at the time, it was still late. You grabbed your stomach as you laid down in pain. This was the absolute worst thing about being a woman. You whimpered in pain as you chanted a spell to help a little bit with the pain. It was going to be a very very long night. 

         Soon enough morning came, the sun peeked into your room, causing you to groan and turn the other way. Cedar yawned and smiled as the birds opened the window and started singing. You growled tiredly and snapped your fingers making one of the birds explode into flower petals. Cedar looked at you worriedly, "Are you okay?", she asked. You groaned more, hitting the pillow against your face. "Ooh, is it that time?" she asked in an empathetic tone. You removed the pillow from your face and nodded. She winced, "Yikes, I'll go make you some tea for those cramps", she said as she went into the tiny fridge you both had and took out a pre-made put of tea. "Lemon, raspberry with a hint of chamomile and fairy's mint, should make the cramps feel much lighter,", she said as she began to warm it up. You sat you and groaned, "Thanks Cedar," you said as you got out of bed and stretched a little, as stretch helped the muscles relax. "No problem", she said as she handed you a cup of hot tea, it smelled sweet and welcoming. You sipped it carefully, enjoying the warm feeling that spread throughout your body and indeed calmed your cramps. You went to go get ready, putting on some makeup to hide last nights' sleep struggles and so did Cedar, you both went your separate ways as you left the dorm. You weren't mad but any and all flowers that you walked by combusted into reddish-purple flames like they would if you were pissed. You apologized to anyone who was affected and quickly made your way to the cafeteria. You went to go get food and bumped into dexter on the line, he smiled brightly at you, "Good Morning Y, n," he said quietly as he got some mush on his plate. "Morning Dexter," you said in a bland voice as you turned away the mush. He picked up on your unhappy tone, "Are you okay? Did something happen?" he asked worriedly but subtly. "No, just not feeling too well", you said with a huff as you grabbed some pancakes. "You're sick?" he asked causing slight annoyance with you because you really didn't want to explain a period to him. "Sort of,"  you said as you gripped your food tray. "With what? When'd you get sick?", he asked, nudging at your patience, though he really wasn't trying to. But right now, at this moment, he was annoying the hex out of you. "Leave me alone dex!", you hissed semi-loudly as you walked away to your table in slight rage. Cerise saw you and raised her eyebrows as you slammed your tray down before slamming your head on the table. "Period?" she asked as she began to eat her food. You grumbled a yes and huffed. "I get it. I get the worst cramps," she said. You replayed how you had just reacted to Dexter's questions and felt yourself get stressed out. You lifted your head and ran your hands through your fingers through your hair making a distressed face. "Hey, what's wrong? Besides the obvious", she asked as she put her food down. "I blew up at Dexter, he was just being a concerned friend who was just checking on me and now I feel bad," you explained. "I'd wait till I'm feeling better and calm then I'd explain it to him," she said as she gnawed on some chicken leg. "He was only checking on me... I'm such a bad girlfriend," You grumbled as you covered your head with your arms before freezing," OH SH*T", your mind said as you looked up at her, only to see her smiling widely. "Please don't say anything Cerise," you said quickly, "No one is supposed to know.". "Don't worry Y, n. You know I'm good at keeping a secret," she said with a chuckle, "So... boyfriend huh?". "Well, not officially but we are dating, no one else knows," you explained, "And I messed up."." Take a deep breath Y, n it's not the end of the world. Just give him some time and go to him later and explain it all. He'll be understanding I'm sure", she said, "It's Dexter after all.". You nodded and sighed ", You're right, thanks Cerise," you said as you began to eat your food.

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