Part 38

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Arnav woke up with a bit of hangover, after having dinner last night, they all went to party where they all had pretty much fun dancing and getting drunk and all. Tara and Khushi were adamant on not drinking, Rohan drank a bit to gave Arnav company and Arnav just drank without limit trying to make the pain disappear and to make things with Khushi less awkward.

He sat up rubbing his eyes, it took him a while to be totally awake, when he looked around, he found a glass of water placed on the side stand with some medicines. He took them immediately hoping it would help with the headache he was having at the moment.

He looked at his watch and then jumped out of the bed quickly, he had only half and hour to get ready as they had some fun activities planned for today.

He took a quick shower and rushed out of his room in a hurry where he found Khushi, Rohan and Tara waiting for him already.

"Sorry, I over slept." He apologized.

"It was expected, you should have seen yourself last night, you were hilarious." Rohan laughed.

"What did I do? I can't remember a thing, I hope I dint embarrass myself." He bit his lips nervously and looked at Khushi, she was standing there with an expressionless face, it was hard to read her.

"Nothing too crazy, you just danced had fun and all, and then out of nowhere you got a mic and started singing in such a horrible voice, the people at the party threw things at you, it was funny." Rohan continued laughing.

"Shit." Arnav said trying to remember what had really happened last night.

"And then when we got a cab to get back here, you started crying in the car for no reason, you were kind of acting like a baby." Tara said.

"Wow, I did go crazy." Arnav said as he looked at Khushi once again, did he do something to hurt her again while he was drunk?

"Anyway we should get going, we have a flight to catch in a few hours, so let's have some fun before that." Rohan said as he started walking with Tara while Khushi and Arnav walked behind them.

"Did I do or say something wrong to you last night?" Arnav asked.

"No." Khushi replied plainly.

"Then why do you seem mad at me?"

"Why did you drink so much? I mean yes drinking is fun and all but why do you have to drink so much where you don't even know what you are doing?" Khushi shrugged.

"Sometimes people drink to get rid of pain." Arnav replied.

"It's just an excuse, I don't drink and I still managed to cope with so much pain you gave me."

"Not everyone is as strong as you Khushi." He smiled faintly as he walked a bit faster to catch up with Rohan and Tara as he joined them in a conversation.


At first they all went for jet skiing which they all had so much fun doing, that they decided they wanted to do one more adventure to end their trip. They still had a few hours so they decided to go for paragliding and after they were done with that, they headed back to their hotel, to get something to eat and then pack later.

As decided both Arnav and Khushi did try to make things better and not awkward, they occasionally had conversation and made it look like everything was quite normal with them. Even when Khushi was a little nervous about the paragliding, Arnav gave her some confidence and she managed to do it. It was all fun for the four of them and things were way better than they had been yesterday.

"Wow, I can't believe the trip is done, it was so short." Tara said as they all settled down at the table and picked and soon the waiter rushed to hand them the menu.

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