Part 7

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"Dad!" Arnav woke up sweating horribly from a nightmare, he looked around trying to find his father who was here last night putting him to sleep but now he wasn't around.

He stepped down from his bed and headed out of his room and straight to his father's room hoping to find some comfort in him, he stopped at the door and wondered if he should disturb him this late at night or just head back to his room.

The noise coming from inside his father's room changed his mind making him realize he was awake so he wouldn't be disturbing him. He slowly pushed the door open but was met with a sight he wasn't willing to see.

He turned around immediately and rushed back to his room, jumped on his bed and started crying, the next moment the door to his room opened up and Anjali walked in worriedly.

"Arnav, why are you crying? Did you have a bad dream?" She asked as she rushed towards him and hugged him.

Arnav just nodded as the visuals ran in his mind, no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't get rid of it.

"Mom... Where is mom? I want mom." Arnav cried as he hugged Anjali tightly.

"She will be back tomorrow Arnav, I know you miss her but I am here for you and mom will also be here by tomorrow so relax okay? Just close your eyes and try to sleep." Anjali said.

He nodded as he lied down on the bed while Anjali sat there singing him a lullaby, once he was asleep, she headed to her room to sleep too.


Arnav sat up on the bed, panting for breaths, whenever he remembered anything about his childhood, it always left him like this.

He looked besides him, Khushi was deep asleep, she looked so innocent while she was asleep, only if he dint know what she was like, he could actually believe she was as innocent as she claimed to be.

Every time he thought of his past and his father, it made him hate her more and more, never in his life had he thought that there would come a day that he would be married to her, the girl that he hated more than anything.

He kept on staring at her wondering how great an actress she was and how she always managed to put up such an innocent act that even had Anjali fooled, if he dint know her real face, he could to have believed that she was as innocent as she seemed.

He hated that she even had the audacity to pretend to be so innocent and naïve, how she always pretended she dint have much knowledge about the thing she called love making because that was so innocent, no wonder Anjali thought that he could fall in love with her.

He could, only if he dint know that all this was just a fake act and behind the act was the real Khushi whom he knew very well, so there was no way he was going to fall for her.

He kept on staring at her, he dint even know why he was staring at her, maybe just fighting an inner battle with himself.

Of course no one knew the real side of her other than him, but it was really strange how she just managed to look so innocent, so untouched, so beautiful.

"No Arnav, you can't look at her any other way. She is the one that ruined everything remember?" he said to himself as he tried to look away from her so her deceiving looks wouldn't change his mind.


He rubbed his eyes lazily trying to wake himself up, his alarm had rang for the third time now, and he was going to be late for his meeting if he dint wake up now.

He sat up and stretched his arms battling with his eyes so they would open, and when he finally managed to open them, the first face he saw was of Khushi.

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