Chapter 40

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 The next day during breakfast, Beast and Shawn don't come in. I'm not too worried about this because I'm thinking they are probably just late. What I'm more worried about is the fact that Trish is still quiet because of what happened last night. I feel like I've lost my connection with her. I don't know if she is distrustful or just tired. I look at her and what I used to see were the thoughts spinning in her head, emotionally connected to her body expression. But now all I see is a stone cold wall, unable to read anything she's giving me. It's scary not knowing what someone's thinking.

"Hey Zoe?" Trish asks as she sets her cup of juice down on the table and looks to me.

"Yes?" I can hear the nerves in my voice, but I don't think she can. Then again, I wouldn't know, I can't tell if she can or not. This is almost frustrating. 

"Did Flame say if he was going to come back today, or not?"

"Um, yeah. He said that he would, but he didn't look like it."

"What do you mean?"

"When we were talking yesterday he was really low on energy, plus his stab wound was hurting him."

"That sucks. I hate how a good guy like him got so injured, yet someone like Mole is practically fine."

"Yeah you're right," I say thinking about it. "He was the one that originally planned the whole trip, wasn't he?"

"Yeah, he was," Trish gulps the rest of her juice without actually thinking about her answer, then stands. "I'm going to go find Beast and Shawn. Want to come?"

"Sure," I say getting up. I throw away my half empty bowl of cereal.

We leave the cafeteria and head down the usual hallways to get to their room. When we get to the hallway we see some commotion near the area of their room. I feel worry rise in Trish and for a split second I feel relieved. I know what she's feeling, and I know what she's going to do. Sure enough she starts to run to their room and I follow. I see a group of trainers talking in front of the door.

Trish stops in front of the group of three and asks, "What happened?"

"Whoa, what are you doing here? This is the boys hallway," the youngest trainer scolds.

I stop behind Trish and she replies, "It's a hallway, you can't tell me if I can walk here or not."

"Seeing that you have no reason to go down this specific hallway, I do have a reason to at least ask you," he counters, sounding annoyed.

"Then why didn't you ask?"

"I did ask," he states.

"No, you scolded me for being in a hallway," Trish crosses her arms.

"The boys hallway!" he shouts. They continue this argument and I sigh. They haven't really even noticed me since they are so focused on Trish and her disrespect. I move away a bit and look around the group, seeing that Beast's room door as well as the conjoining room's hallway door is open. I peak into Beast and Shawn's room and find them in there. Trish is doing a wonderful job at distracting the trainers, and she doesn't even know it. I smile and sneak in. Beast sees me and stands up right away, however Shawn keeps his head down. I feel the uneasiness in the air almost like a whisper that trails the room.

"Miss Ram, what are you doing here?" I hear the low voice of Mr. X.

I turn and face him, unable to speak. Luckily, Trish comes walking in with Flame behind her. He looks better, but still in pain. "We noticed Shawn and Beast weren't at breakfast today, so we came to check up on them," Trish explains.

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