Chapter 49

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 A loud bang is heard as someone's tray is slammed into the floor, "Don't ever say that to me again!" I glance back and see Jack intimidating one of the younger kids yet again. Just like any other morning, fantastic.

"Should we say something?" Shawn asks.

"Go ahead," Trish responds, "but I thought you liked your food."

Shawn shuts up and we just listen to Jack slander the kid. He kicks the tray one more time and then walks back to his table where his friends sit laughing at the poor kid. 

"Should we do something now?" Shawn asks.

"Just leave it," Trish mumbles. "It's over now anyways."

I watch as a younger girl, probably about the same age as the boy, walks over to him. She gives him a hand in cleaning up the mess and then helps him throw it all away. I see her walk him to her table and then one of her friends pushes a bowl of cereal to him. I smile a bit, it's kinda cute seeing that others stand up in a silent way.

"So how are you feeling, Zoe?" Beast asks me. 

I look away from the kids and to him, "Fine."

"You gave us a real scare last night," he continues.

"Yeah, sorry. The whole meeting thing ended up taking a bit longer than I thought it would."

"What was it about?" Shawn asks.

I take in a breath, "Just some things Mr. X wanted to clear up."

"For three hours?" Trish asks. I know she doesn't believe me.

"Yeah it ended up being that long," I reply nodding my head.

I woke up this morning and really did feel better, but this whole heightened ability thing freaks me out. I'm getting a headache just sitting in the cafeteria. It's like everything is amplified, and there's no way to turn it down. 

"Well, I'm glad you're safe," Beast says smiling. Great, he doesn't believe me either. Shawn shakes his head and frowns. 

"What?" Trish asks.

"Jack's in another argument," he says nodding to Jack's obnoxious table. Trish and I turn around and find he is arguing. This time it looks like he stopped someone that was passing by him. 

I listen in and he says, "Oh come on, I know you don't like sitting with those freaks."

"Shut up! And they're my friends, by the way," she argues. I recognize her voice, but I don't know from what.

"Them? You'd rather hang out with them than someone like me?"

"Yeah, I would." He stands up and pushes her a bit. Suddenly he towers over her and I sense her nerves. She backs up saying, "Just leave me alone. I haven't done anything to you."

"You just insulted me, I think that counts as something. Right guys?" He asks his group. They all shouts agreements.

"That's so sad," Beast says. I cringe at the loudness of his voice. And bring my hearing back to least what my normal is now. 

"He's just a jerk," Trish says.

The girl manages to escape him when one of Jack's friends points to us. Trish and I turn away from them and I sigh lightly. Great he's going to come over here now. Just what I need. At least the girl got away.

Sure enough, I hear Jack walk himself over here and sit right beside me. "Hey freaks."

"You're just adding everyone to your list today, aren't you?" Trish responds.

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