Chapter 31

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 "What room?"

"She didn't say."

Beast looks at me, "Who didn't say?"

I freeze. Before I can figure out an excuse Trish spots someone. "There's Mole!"

He hears his name and he turns around holding the door he came from open, "What are you four doing here?"

"We came to say goodbye to Flame," Trish explains.

"He already left," Mole responds. He lets the door close and crosses his massive arms over his chest, "Why did you want to say goodbye to that idiot?"

"Because he's our trainer," Beast replies harshly. Mole's irritating him, I can tell by Beast's clenched fists.

"Mole, just because you don't have people that care for you doesn't mean you have to bag on the ones that care about me," Flame's scold brings a smile to my face.

He comes out from the door behind Mole and shoos him away. 

"Sorry, he tends to be a jerk sometimes."

Trish scoffs, "Sometimes..."

"What do you guys need? I'm about to head out—"

"We know, that's why we wanted to come say goodbye before you left."

He smiles, "How'd you find out?"

"Well Zoe found us in the arena and—"

"No we saw Jack chasing her while she was trying to get our attention," Beast corrects Trish. 

Flame's eyes fall to me, "If he's still bothering you, you should file a report."

"I'll be fine."

He nods unassured, "Anyways I guess I should tell you guys I won't be back for two weeks."

"We know, Zoe told us."

"Where did Zoe hear this from?"

I open my mouth but no words come out. "I told her, Flame." Nix walks up and stands beside me. With a confident smirk she says, "You wouldn't want to almost leave on a mission without saying goodbye to your students right?" The way she says this, it makes Flame falter.

"Yeah, you have a good point."

"Flame, let's go," Mole calls from the room. "Get your stuff, we're leaving now."

He looks at us and Trish moves in to give him a hug. "Please be safe," her voice shakes.

He nods and she releases walking away. Shawn and Beast say goodbye and follow Trish. I look at him and say, "See you later then."

He gives me a hug, and whispers into my ear, "Be careful Zoe. I'm not going to be here to help you when you get into trouble. Promise me you won't try to handle things on your own."

"Only if you promise to come back."

I feel him tense and we release from our hug, "I promise."

"Then I promise too."

I wave goodbye and then start to follow my friends. Nix still stands by him. I focus my ears to listen in and I hear Flame say, "You're going to watch out for her?"

"I already told you I would."

"I know it's just..." he pauses a bit, "You and I both know she isn't safe here."

"Stop saying things like that out loud. You know someone's always listening."

"You know they put me on this stupid mission because they want to separate me with her."

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