Loco in Morocco (pt. 3)

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MOROCCAN RESTAURANT (Botch or Watch) - Liars (Celeste), Dimension Hoppers (Marco), Apex Leaders (Grace), Glitch Techs (Miko), BFPFs (Anne), Philosophers (Pride), Fallen Angels (Stocking), Magical Girlfriends (Luz), Burger Children (Gene), Superheroes (Jo), Host Club Members (Haruhi), Space Conquerers (Hater), Mystery Twins (Dipper), Fan Favorites (Cassandra), Aristocrats (Elizabeth), IMPs (Moxxie), State Alchemists (Edward), and Park Employees (Rigby)

SAHARA DESERT (Camelback) - Roommates, Air Benders, Conspirators, Witches, Sparrow Scouts, Humanized Crystal Gems, Best Friends, Smart Asses, McDuck Nephews, Camp Campers, Jerks, and Celebrities


(All the teams decided who will compete in this Botch or Watch challenge while their partners eagerly stand by and wait)

Don (VO): Teams are performing the botch! When they're done drinking their stew, they'll head over to the Chill Zone.

(Grace is slurping her stew. She immediately stops to pant and catch her breath)

Grace: God damn it, Simon... You picked some scorching ones... Augh, my tongue!

Simon: It'll be fine, Grace. We have survived much worse than this.

Grace: You mean I did. Meanwhile, you barely survive. (Coughs) I can really use some ice cream after this shit...

(Stocking is drinking hers, surprised by how unbearably sweet it is)

Stocking: What the fuck? It's like you... luckily guessed. This is sweet...

Panty: I'm telling ya, I can be the best goddamn chef around if you don't order takeout all the fucking time! I wondered how many other people sucked. (Chuckles)

Stocking: Yeah yeah, stop bloating, you stupid bitch. (Continues downing her stew)

(Peepers and Hater stare at their stew. The former is the only one who realizes that the stew is bubbling and steaming. He knew he picked some wrong ones, but he didn't knew it'd be THAT bad)

Peepers: H-Hater... Maybe try to drink the stew as slowly as possible. I-

Hater: You want me to go slow?! Do you want us to lose or something?! I am LORD HATER AND I'M GONNA GO AS FAST AS I CAN!!!

(Lord Hater chugs the whole stew in one go)

Peepers: Uhhh.... Hater? How was it?

(Hater's mouth suddenly catches on fire. He screams and runs around, eyes watering and hands flailing in the air)

Peepers: (sighs) Well... This challenge is probably going to end up terribly. To be fair, it probably already has.

(He watches as Lord Hater is running around with fire in his mouth, somehow catching fire in the sands of the desert)

(Mordecai and Rigby are not doing so well either. The raccoon can't handle just how spicy he made the stew)

Rigby: (spits some stew out) Shit! This stew is spicy as hell!

Mordecai: Well, that's your own damn fault for being careless about picking the spices. You just have to suck it up.

Rigby: (fanning his mouth)

Mordecai: I had Rigby compete in the Botch or Watch to show how his fast and careless decision making leads to nothing but shit. And it looks like I'm proven correct. Again.

Rigby: (downing some milk) Excuse me for not being a master chef! (Pants) Even if I wasn't being "careless", we'd most likely get the wrong spices anyway! We can barely cook store bought hot dogs! (Pants) God, this stew tastes awful!

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