Meditterean Homesick Blues (pt. 1)

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Don: Last time on the Ridonculous Race! Teams travelled to Paris where their wills were tested, their artistic skills were pushed, their bravery was challenged, and Gene ate more cheese than I thought humanly possible. In the end, it was the BFPFs who hopped their way to first place, causing Philosopher Evelyn to... react.... As for the Humanized Crystal Gems, Steven and Connie, it was game set, and their kindness toward Max and Nikki had ultimately led them to their Parisian farewell. Who will claim victory today? Oh, they've all got potential! Stay tuned, cause it's time for... The Ridonculous Race!


1. BFPFs
2. Sparrow Scouts
3. Philosophers
4. Mystery Twins
5. Park Employees
6. Superheroes
7. Apex Leaders
8. Fan Favorites
9. Host Club Members
10. Fallen Angels
11. Space Conquerers
12. Aristocrats
13. Celebrities
14. Conspirators
15. Smart Asses
16. State Alchemists
17. Best Friends
18. Dimension Hoppers
19. Witches
20. Magical Girlfriends
21. McDuck Nephews
22. Roommates
23. Air Benders
24. Liars
25. IMPs
26. Glitch Techs
27. Burger Children
28. Camp Campers


Don: Yesterday's Chill Zone was the Louvre, which is today's starting point. Teams will start in the order they finished, which means the BFPFs get the first tip.

(Anne and Sasha head toward the Don Box, Pride in tow)

Pride: Good luck today, you two! I'm sure you're gonna do great!

Anne: Aww, thanks, Selim. I wish the same for you and your... brother? Sister? Wh-What is it?

Pride: Whatever you want. Evelyn doesn't mind if you call them by any gender.

Anne: Got it. Still, good luck out there, kid!

(Pride turns his back and walks away, a malicious smirk that only the cameraman sees)

Anne: Ahhhh! Selim is literally one of the cutest kids I've ever met! What with his little suit, his big eyes, his smile, his polite nature... I will protect this kid with my life.

Sasha: Not the biggest fan of single digit year old kids. Selim's not the worst though.

Sasha: (reads tip) Take the train to Calanque de Maubois on the Mediterranean cost and search the station for your next travel tip.

(Slides of Calanque de Maubois appear. There is a cliffside village, a sandy beach, and one of the Palace of Versailles)

Don (VO): Teams must take the train to Calanque de Maubois, a place that skirts the Mediterranean on the south of France. Here, they have sands so fine that you want to get them in your shorts. The red cliffs are just one of the many sights that makes this a popular tourist spot. Did I mention the beaches are awesome?

(The BFPFs and Sparrow Scouts run off with their tips. Dipper and Envy grab the same tip)

Dipper: H-Hey! That is our tip!

Envy: First comes, first serves, noodle arms! Now give me back my tip!

Mabel: C'mon, Dipper, they were one placement ahead of us. It's only fair.

(Envy eyes Mabel for a bit. It was that girl that they had noticed staring at them. They had virtually no clue on why she is fascinated by them... Could she be the one to write that love letter as well? Envy wouldn't be surprised)

Envy: Whatever. Just grab your stupid tip. It doesn't matter. (Hits the Don Box)

Mabel: Are you sure? I mean, you were there first.

Pride: We could've always read the same tip...

Dipper: Guys, we all should probably hurry. This conversation could possibly delay us from getting to the train quicker.

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