Meditterean Homesick Blues (pt. 2)

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CALANQUE DE MAUBOIS BAY (Botch or Watch) - Park Employees (Rigby), Host Club Members (Haruhi), Fallen Angels (Stocking), Dimension Hoppers (Marco), Magical Girlfriends (Luz), Roommates (Gogo), Burger Children (Gene), Superheroes (Jo), Liars (Celeste) Sparrow Scouts (Hilda), BFPFs (Anne), Philosophers (Pride), Apex Leaders (Grace), Mystery Twins (Dipper), McDuck Nephews (Huey), Air Benders (Ikki), State Alchemists (Edward), Smart Asses (Rick), and Fan Favorites (Cassandra)

PARISIAN TRAIN - Camp Campers, Glitch Techs, IMPs, Celebrities, Conspirators, Space Conquerers, Aristocrats, Best Friends, and Witches


(The grand waters of the southern French beach is on display... and everyone is being chased by sharks)

(Gogo attempts to punch a shark, but misses terribly. The shark flares its teeth menacingly)

(Celeste is way behind the rest of the botchers, taking baby steps toward the ocean. The only person she can see is Haruhi sneakily swimming toward the shark)

(Ikki is trying her best to train the shark to no avail)

(Stocking pulls out her sword and fucking stabs the shark until it's dead. Before she can grab the tip, however, a group of blood smelling sharks run up to her and chase her down)

(A shark is trying to bite at Grace, Edward, and Pride. The sight is... horrific, to say the least)

(A shark is trying to swim away from Cassandra, who has become a force to be reckoned with)

(Rick arises from the water and shoots down two sharks, leaving behind two travel tips floating in the sea)

Morty: I don't even know how we get away with this shit. I-I feel like we might be pushing our luck at the moment, Rick.

Rick: Sharks are just easy prey for humans, Morty. With all the blood that has been spilled in the sea, they have basically gone ballistic. At this point, being ethical to sharks is no longer an option.

Morty: I'm not worried about the sharks, I'm worried about getting eliminated because of a penalty.

Rick: How could we get penalized if no one has evidence against us?

Morty: Umm... What about the camera guy?

(Rick stares at the camera man and glares. He runs off, but Rick tackles him instantly)



(Ikki and Huey each find a travel tip that was left behind courtesy of Rick. They pick one up and start swimming back to shore)

Dewey: Wow, you got lucky there! Gladstone would be impressed! And that makes it all the more better since you're not exactly a fighter like I am.

Huey: I know a lot more about sharks to know how to deal with a shark attack. Just lunging yourself onto a shark may work, but it's highly risky.

Dewey: Risky is my middle name, Huey! Dewey Risky Duck!

Huey: Your middle name is Dingus, Dewey.

Dewey: I.... I just like the risk factor in the middle name Risky!

(Hilda is swimming off to shore until she sees Grace, Pride, and Edward still on the verge of being eaten by a shark. She swims over to the shark and begins soothing the animal)

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