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"I wouldn't." Draco said.
"Why not?" Greyback had asked.
He was currently trying to move the Christmas tree from the spot next to the bookshelf to the spot in the corner.
"I really wouldn't."
Greyback only rolled his eyes.
"What the fuck are you doing?" Harry asked.
Greyback froze. Oh boy, no wonder Draco told him not to.
Here we go again.
"I'm pregnant and pissed off! If you even move that tree one millimeter to the right I will end you!!"
Greyback sighed and took a few steps back, how the hell was a pregnant teen so terrifying?
Nobody knew but they didn't really question it.
Harry could kill them all if he wanted, and Tom would just laugh.
Whatever Harry wanted, Harry got.
The man spoiled him to no end.
But puking his guts up, by definition made him allowed to do as he pleased.
"I did warn you." Draco said after Harry had blasted the man across the room.
Tom chuckled.
"Yes, my lovely mate can be such a terrifying creature can't he?" He said as he leant down and wrapped his arms around Harry.
"Yes. But you love me." He hissed back as he leaned into Tom and kissed the mans neck before nuzzling closer.
"You're a brat, as always. But you are correct. I do love you, you pain in my side."
Harry pulled away.
"Pain in you're side?! Oh well you can just sleep on the couch tonight then! See how much of a pain I am when I'm not sucking you're cock!"
Tom blinked.
"Alright I'm sorry! I'm sorry. Please calm down, love. I didn't mean it.." he tried to sooth Harry.
"No, no..I'm sorry..Merlin the hormones! I love when we make fun of each other. Ugh! I'll be glad when the hormones are gone!" Harry said as he sat down.
Draco chuckled, knowing how many mood swings Harry got.
"It's alright, Harry. We understand it's a bit of a rough time."
Harry smiled.
He was lucky to have supportive people around him.
"Such a moody little hatchling" Nagini hissed from her spot on the couch.
"Hush, I did say I was sorry." He hissed back.
Nagini was always around, chiming in when least expected.
"May I at least know what it is you were eating?"
Harry blinked and looked at the coffee table.
On it was a half eaten bowl of ice cream with pickles and tomato sauce.
He chuckled.
"Guess my cravings got the best of me." He vanished the half eaten meal, not really wanting the rest and sat down next to Nagini.
"Yesss you do tend to do as you like, hatchling. I can't wait for when you and Tom have many other hatchlings running around to torment us all."
Harry rolled his eyes and stroked Naginis scales as he normally would.
Tom chuckled and read his book next to Harry.
He tuned the rest of them out as he closed his eyes.
"Sleep, hatchling. When you awake we will all be here."
Harry did not fight Nagini, merely let sleep over take him as he finally went into a peaceful rest, Naginis soft calming hisses in the background.
But what really made him sleep peacefully, was Toms hand in his own.
Everything was okay, but soon Harry wasn't sure if it would last.
If only he knew.

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