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Tom paced Around the room, he was going in circles.
Draco started getting dizzy and Bella was tapping her foot.
"My lord, I know you're stressed. BUT WILL YOU PLEASE STOP MAKING EVERYONE NAUSEOUS?!" Narcissa shouted, trying not to flinch back at her tone.
Tom stopped and sighed.
Harry was giving birth today, and because they had to perform a medical procedure to get the baby out, he couldn't be in there with him.
Tom hated to admit it, but he was scared.
The big bad dark lord had gone soft.
He just wanted to hold Harry.
His Harry.
His baby.
"I'm sorry, Cissa. I'm just worried." Tom tried to swallow his pride and the vile that rose in his throat at admitting how he felt.
Damnit he'd never been good at that.
"Try to sit down, my lord. I'm sure everything is going fine." Lucius reassured.
Tom hated to admit it, but they were right.
It couldn't be too bad.
Well Tom was wrong.
In Harry's room:
Since he couldn't push, they had to cut him open, and Harry was in so much pain he wasn't sure he wasn't being tortured back at Black manor.
Harry screamed again, and silently thanked morgana and Merlin for the silencing wards.
Tom would freak and burn the building down if he heard him screaming this much.
The doctor obeyed, and began to cut a line with his wand.
At least with magic, the cut hadn't hurt nearly as much as Harry thought it would.
Harry felt pressure, and like his guts were being rearranged (in a bad way), before he heard a cry.
Tom was pacing again, and had refused to listen as always.
"My lord?" Lucius said, in a seemingly awed way.
Tom turned around.
The door was open and when Tom walked in, Harry was holding their child.
"It's a girl." Harry huffed out, smiling at Tom.
Everything was peaceful and Tom was smiling.
But of course it had to be ruined.
Tom went to touch his new daughter.
And then...
Harry started laughing, and Draco snorted.
Ginny was giggling and Bella had picked up the newborn child, holding her in her arms.
Guess Tom wouldn't be the first to hold her.
Narcissa rolled her eyes, and Lucius looked amused.
Lord Voldemort...
Had Fainted....

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