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Bellatrix smiled wickedly at the new princess of the two, watching in awe at every movement.
Harry was smiling, but soon ordered Bella to pass the child to others.
He knew Tom would be a little upset, but to be fair he was out cold.
That hadn't lasted long, because wish a harsh kick and a few horrid new words in the dictionary, Narcissa made sure he was awake to see his new daughter.
"She's....beautiful..." Tom said, smiling at his new priceless bundle of joy.
"What are you going to name her?" Draco asked, and everyone leaned in to hear it as well.
Harry looked at Tom, knowing he wouldn't care and whatever name Harry chose would be alright with him.
He'd thought hard about it, wondering what name might suit the offspring of himself and the dark lord.
He smiled, and really knew it already.
"How about...Taram Bella Riddle?"
Bellatrix smiled at the use of her name, and was very grateful for Harry to have chose it.
"Why Taram?" Ginny asked.
"Tom Harry, kind of a mix of our names. What do you think?"
The room was quiet for a moment, then everyone smiled.
"It's perfect, darlin." Tom said, holding his new child.
She was so small, he was afraid he'd accidentally hurt her.
Far away, in a different part of the wizarding world, was Remus lupin.
He smiled as his wand vibrated, it was Hermione letting him know the child was safe and had been born.
He couldn't wait to spoil it, and couldn't wait to tell the others.
Harry cradled his child, smiling at her.
For the first time in a long time, everything was perfect.
"Taram Bella Riddle. I know you don't like your last name Tom, but I think it suits her better."
Tom only smiled and agreed.
"Who's the godmother?" Ginny asked, smiling at Bellatrix.
Harry and Tom both looked at each other, and silently agreed.
"Narcissa." They said at the same time.
Narcissa smiled, and bowed her head at them.
"What! Why?" Bellatrix pouted.
"Probably because I still have my sanity, dear." Her sister said, smirking lightly.
Bellatrix eventually let it go, settling for the fact that they used her name.
Harry rocked his child, humming for her.
"Taram. I like it." Draco said, reading on the chair next to Harry.
"Me too, it's great." Hermione said.
"My baby...I will love you." He whispered to his daughter.
He kissed her head, and decided that this was where he belonged. In Toms arms, holding their daughter, surrounded by his friends, and smiling more than he ever had.
With three final words, all of his worries slipped away.

"Forever and always."

                                    The end.

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