I can do anything I want

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"So frustrating, will you just, Wrap around me and kiss me?" -"Pporappippam" by Sunmi

Allan gasps for air, as the school nurse tightens the bandage around his arm. Damn, that woman has a strong grip, he thinks.

So yeah... he might have gotten into yet another fight. It's not even been a week since the last one, the fight in front of the school. But back then it wasn't his fault, and frankly it's not really his fault this time either. Nevertheless, the nurse isn't too pleased to have him visiting this many times a week. The poor lady is only a few months into her job and probably already regretting it.

It's not Allan's fault that the two bullies who beat him up last time, didn't learn their lesson when he fought back. Maybe he should have punched them a little harder, or a few more kicks...

"Hey! That's Allan! Get him!"

Oh shit, Allan thinks, as he sees the two bullies plus a few of their friends running after him. He starts to run, not really in the mood to get beat up again. He's not in the mood for anything at the moment actually, but that's besides the point.

He zooms past each blue metal locker and every brown classroom door like he's the flash. He bumps into person after person and they look after him like he's crazy. But hey, it's not his fault that he's just that attractive to bullies. The wind runs through his hair, and he feels the familiar thrill of being on the run flow though his veins.

The gray tones that have ruled his life for a few days get washed away and he laughs when they shout after him. "Stop running!" They say. How about you stop chasing then? Idiocy at its finest. He turns around and gives them a flying kiss. Now who's scared of who? Homophobes are really another breed.

"That son of a-"

"Come here you little b*tch!"

Allan keeps running and fast. He's sure he can get away, until...

Well until he meets a dead end. The hallways end and in front of him stands a tall brick wall. Truly a spawn of satan, that wall.

"Oh shit" Allan thinks, but he can't bring himself to feels sad or scared. The adrenaline is still going strong and he feels a lot better than he has all week. Maybe this is all he needed, a little run. A reminder of what his life used to be. A reminder that his life is so much better now, than what it was before. A little thrill to all this misery.

"We got you now!"

The boys catch up with him and corner him in a matter of seconds.

"You know I heard they call him, "the escaper" at blood row high"

Allan can't help but laugh. A genuine laugh. He just feels so new, so fresh. A reminder that he got to start over, and that he got to build up his reputation. He got to be someone more, him.

Although, it's not too late to be someone he used to be, just for a little while.

"But do you know what they called me, before I left?"

"They called me... knuckles... because... well I'll show you-"

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