Blood row high

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"I feel like everyone has turned their back on me" - IKON "I'm ok"

Am I going to die today or tomorrow?

Allan doesn't know how many times he has asked himself this.

Every time he walked through the broken doors of Silver row high. Every time he wondered if he would survive the day.

The halls were cold and seemingly empty, but don't let that fool you. If there was one thing silver row high was good at, it was fooling people. Allan knew that, he had seen more than most people ever would in their lifetime. Yet it felt like he would never get used to it. His nerves would never settle down.

"Allan! Hurry!"
A petite girl runs up to him, past the broken lockers and flickering lights.

He had taken her under his wing, many years ago. She was beyond thankful, as she probably should be.

Somehow she always managed to seem positive and kind, like nothing was wrong.

Every smile she gave him, reminded him of why he made her his friend. Normal people don't spread happiness in such a situation. That's probably why it hurt so much in the end.

"Lele? What's going on?"

It was a routine of sorts. The same questions every day was answered by a similar answer.

"Dorian against Andrew B! In the library!"
She squeaked, but quietly.

People like her shouldn't make too much noise here. It was dangerous.
Everything was dangerous.

"So much for silence in the library"
Allan has muttered under his breath.

At this point however, there was no such thing as the library.
This wasn't even a school in reality, and Allan was very aware.

How was any of this still legal? It amazed him every day.

They hadn't even walked through the broken library doors before they heard it.
Well, heard it and saw it.

Allan couldn't really say he was a fan of it. Unlike the others at this school, he didn't really like the sound of bones cracking or the sight of blood spilling. The sounds of people screaming in agony wasn't really his favorite sound either.

But Allan knew not everything in life was going to play out for you. He knew what it meant to live outside his comfort zone.

At silver row high there is only one single system. Punch or get punched.

No matter how much he disliked it, Allan had chosen the first option. He couldn't change that, and secretly he was quite happy about his decision. It saved him from getting beaten more times than you could imagine.

That decision didn't only save him, but also everyone he valued at this school, like Lele.

Allan was however no match for Dorian, arguably the most dangerous guy at school. All he could do is watch Dorian lay punch after punch on Andrew B's face. The poor guy screaming as bruises blossomed across his cheek. Dorian was far too lost in his anger to stop.

And so he started another terrible day at Silver row high.

Silver row High was arguably the most disgusting school ever to exist.

The floors and walls were cracked.

Blood stains colored the white paint brown and red.

The lockers were all broken.

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