Final chapter

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Ael's POV

"When we discovered that humans could be our mates, we came right away. I have to admit you surprised us all: humans are so weak physically yet so strong inside. As you know, we then started the razzia. It was terrible for the both of us. You have no idea of how hard it was to see that we weren't welcome on Earth as we were on other planets. You hid away from us, making the search more difficult. Besides, our mates loathed us before even giving us a chance to prove ourselves. I agree it doesn't excuse the brutality and the mess we caused. We were acting the same way you act when money is involved. 

Anyways, we took away all the mates that could possibly be there. But, we didn't try to understand your link to Earth. We thought you'd be like all the other aliens. Once more we were wrong.

After a few weeks, lots of women started to get very upset, they easily got angry and they always felt anxious. We thought you simply had difficulties adjusting to your new life.

Then, some fell very ill. Scientists searched for the cause and discovered that Earth and humans shared a link similar to the mate bound: the more they drifted apart, the more the human withered, even to the point of dying.

They tried everything they could to heal you but nothing worked. You're like a motherless child: you just can't stop crying and longing to go back to your mom's embrace.

To solve this problem, all the chiefs, commanders, doctors and scientists worked together and after days of arguing, shouting and bawling, they came up with a heartbreaking decision: humans and their mate are allowed to go back close to Earth, which means the Matter can no longer see his family as he had to leave his planet of birth. Which also means their children will be deprived of a part of their culture, of their identity. Not to mention the fact that Earth is not exactly a safe place for "aliens". Because of all the fuss we caused, some people must be yearning to take their revenge on us.

Therefore, the only solution that guarantees the mates' safety, both mental and physical, is enabling them to stay somewhere on the outskirts of Earth... "

My gorgeous mate cuts me off and asks in a quiet voice:

"Isn't there another solution ?"

I heave a rueful sigh and answer with a heavy heart:

"The Matter can keep heading towards his planet and his human mate will go back to Earth. We can let you go even if it tears our heart apart. But your happiness is all worth it, my love."

A stifling silence follows my response and fills up the room. My heart pounds as if it wanted to get out of my chest and even though I start feeling nauseous, I go on with my explanation.

"Our leaders think it's something we should discuss with our mate. The decision must be mutual so both sides can be satisfied. I already know what decision I'll make but I'd like to hear yours first."

I look Athanasia in the eye and I catch sight of her inner turmoil. I just hope she will make the best possible choice for her: all I want is her happiness. To be honest, I lied to her: I have not made any decision yet. I'll simply go along with her. Yet, I would love her to say she wants to remain here, by my side. I would like to give her my opinion on this but I do not want to sway her: it's her choice.

If she decides to stay with me, I'll ensure her sacrifice was not in vain. A while ago, she stated loud and clear that she loved me. But does she really do ? Or is it just a feeling brought on by the link: she thinks she loves me but in reality she doesn't ? Only time will tell.

I just know from deep within my heart that I'll never stop cherishing her, putting her needs before mine. Our relationship will be rocky, that's for sure ! We will sometimes be annoyed with each other, we will sometimes feel stuck in a tedious routine. But annoyance and boredom are both part of love: that's what makes it so thrilling ! Besides, love, just like work, requires patience, dedication and persistence. But once you've overcome the hurdles, you feel complete, proud, fulfilled.

Everyday I will tell her "Your presence is the main source of joy in my life." It may sound weird and cheesy but I believe it is the purest love confession one can make. It is the kind of sentence you say while waiting for nothing in return. And I truly don't want nor need anything in return. Having her by my side is enough for me and a single word from her, whether hateful or not, makes my day. I also used "main" instead of "only" for a precise reason. Declaring that she is the only source of joy in my life would be a lie. Someday, somewhere, someone will make me as happy as she does. And by someone I actually mean our future children when they'll say "I love you daddy !"

Of course, no one ever said this to me (except for Athanasia but I'm still unsure as to whether or not she meant it). I've only seen this kind of love confession in some philosophical books, such as Plato's explanations on soulmates or Spinoza's work. I could honestly talk about this all day long, it's fascinating !

But let's go back to my lovely mate, shall we ?

After thinking for 5 nerve-wracking minutes (did I mention how adorable she looks when she's focused on something ?), she finally opens her mouth to give me an answer.

"I know that if I leave, or if you force me to for that matter, I'll hate you for hurting me and making me miserable. I can't and I don't want to end something that hasn't come to an end. Our love can't come to an end. Not after all we've said, not after all we've gone through. Of course, if given the opportunity, I'd go to see my family again and go back to Earth ! But despite all this, I wish nothing but to stay here, with you. If I had to do it all again, I'd still make the same decisions. Over and over again.

You've become a way too essential person in my life.

I want to leave this ship.

And stay with you next to Earth."


Hi guys ! 

We apologize profusely for posting so late. We had some problems, both in our personal lives and at work, and we didn't want this chapter to be botched, especially because it is the last chapter.

We're very happy to have finished this story: it's been a wonderful experience for us and sharing it with you made it even more amazing. About that, would you like an epilog ? We're hesitating: we know what we would write in the epilog but at the same time we quite like this ending. 

Thank you all for taking part in this adventure and for interacting with us !

We might rewrite the story a little so stay tuned for more news on Ael and Athanasia !

Let us know if you'd like an epilog or not !

Lots of love,


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