Chapter 17

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I don't know what came over me. Perhaps it was just the acceptance of my fate or else it comes from the fact that I associated myself with the girl from the legend.

In front of a dumbfounded Ael, I start to exhibit all my purchases. There are brushes, paint, tape and some gizmos to decorate the doorbell. I don't know if I took the best brushes as some look like they are for makeup. Never mind they're still brushes.

As you can guess, I've never been much of a painter or an artist. My biggest achievement was a drawing that caused me a lot of troubles. I was so bad at drawing that when I finally finished painting (after a good hour of working, a lot of sweat and several attempts) the teacher didn't believe I did it. Even if it wasn't perfect she thought I had traced it from the original. She accused me of cheating but after a while she admitted that I was right and that I did paint it. She still just gave me a A- when she said herself it was the best drawing of the class whereas a lot of people in my class got A+. The teacher was really nasty and hated my guts but she didn't pay much attention to me so I didn't really care and I just minded my own business, sat at the back of the classroom. My two neighbors Alexander and Gabriel were absolutely awesome. They made everything funner, including art lessons.

Gabriel was standoffish but it made him even funnier in a way. I wasn't that close to him as he was the very irritating kind of student who always gets A everywhere whereas I sucked everywhere except in physical education, in music and in physics.

As for Alexander, he was just the class's clown and the closest to a best friend for me. We were two dorks laughing at life, at teachers, at each other. He made me laugh to no end and we both always ended up dying of laughter, especially during art lessons. Thanks to him I was always in a good mood and my usual frown and sad face disappeared. On top of that I even started to have abs.

Together we were the ugly ducklings of the art class as the teacher hated us. She was so desperate she eventually gave up on us and ignored us. At the end of every single art lesson we were covered with glitter, paint or glue. But our minds were filled with happiness only.

These classes were the only rare moment when I felt like myself, when I felt free and happy. It was my way-out.

The flashback ends as I catch sight of golden and silver glitter. I will use this for sure. My hands pick up the glitter, the grey paint, then the yellow one and many others. In my head multiple ideas whirl in a beautiful mess. One idea stands out though. I really want that on our doorbell because I think it represents us very well. It will show people who and what we really are. It will show that I am not a submissive housewife nor is he a violent Matter. It will show that our couple is made of two complementary people. We are an unconventional couple but it still can work.

As I head out of the apartment, Ael follows me absently. He is very quiet... But when I turn my head in his direction he looks at me warmly and smiles softly. I open the door widely. The coast is clear. Good. Now let's get down to business.

I sit on the hard floor and pat the spot next to me to invite Ael to sit. But he just stares at me silently. I pat the floor again and say:

"Come on, sit with me on the ground. It's not the most comfortable place to sit but it's the best place to paint this doorbell."

He remains silent. Is he feeling unwell ?

"Come on Ael sit please !"



Hi guys ! Here is the chapter ! We hope you're all doing fine. See you next Tuesday !

Lots of love,


Who is the Alien now?Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora