Chapter 19

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The next days were peaceful. I was getting used to the life in the apartment. I finally was finally feeling at home. However I still didn't leave dare venturing out. Once was more than enough.
Today, like all the other days, I wait patiently for Ael to return. We tacitly established a kind of ritual. Everyday, when he comes back, he brings me a new meal from one of the ship's shops. I really like that: I get to discover more about his culture and to spend time with him at the same time.

So. Today, like all the other days, I hear someone dialing the code of the flat. But strangely, the door doesn't open. It must have been the neighbors then. The problem with these electronic locks is that they're really noisy. For instance, when the code entered is correct, they produce a loud tone that echoes in the corridor. You have literally zero privacy.
A few minutes later, the door opens onto Ael's massive body. Like a puppy, I wait, sitting on the bed, for my kiss. That's something else we've got used to doing. When he returns, he always kisses gently my forehead.

But not today.
Today, he just enters, walks by me, sits on a chair and starts taking off his shoes. With my usual enthusiasm, I exclaim cheerfully:
"So... What did you bring today ?"
He looks at me for a second and then immediately looks away.
Ignoring both his lack of emotions and my disappointment, I utter:
"I can make some pasta if you want."
He starts walking toward the bathroom while saying:
"I've already eaten."
Something's definitely wrong. What happened ? Did he have a bad day ? Where did the gentle and happy Ael go ? Did Tyaron rub off on him ?
I lay down on the bed heavy-hearted and the stomach desperately empty.
After a while, Ael exits the bathroom and heads for the couch.
"We can share the bed if you want."
"I don't want to."
That's all he replies before turning his back on me.
The next day, he acted the same way. The next week too. And so on for a couple of weeks.
In front of this issue, I tried everything: starving myself, ignoring him, talking to him, writing him. Nothing worked.
Each time I tried starving myself he would come and say coldly, his gaze as sharp as a knife:
Being a huge coward, I quickly obeyed.
Each time I tried ignoring him he would just don't care.
Each time I tried talking to him he would just give me a monosyllabic answer.
And each time I tried writing him messages he would take the paper and throw it away without even looking at it.
During these weeks, an uncontrollable rage and despair grew inside me.
Loneliness took over my fears and worries. I tried keeping it for myself as much as I could in fear to be even more annoying in Ael's eyes.


It's been exactly three weeks and six days since it started. And today is no exception to the rule either: we're eating silently, avoiding each other's eyes. Finally we get to the dessert. I'm really nervous because I made the dessert this time. It consists of ice cream, cookie chips, caramel sauce and whipped cream.
As we are tasting it, I say jokingly:
"It's very sweet. If I eat this every day, the amount of sugar will kill me for sure !"
"This type of dessert really fits you. You are undoubtedly like sugar: it's nice and sweet but too much of it and it kills you instantly." he answers, totally composed.
My last mental dam gets smashed into smithereens and I begin to scream:
"Tell me ! Tell me for goodness sake ! Tell me what I did for you to hate me that much. When I finally behaved like a real mate and began to have feelings for you, you suddenly turned your back on me. Tell me what happened ! You are torturing me, driving me crazy. Please end my suffering. When will you understand that I love you ? I cherish everything you do, everything you say, everything you give me. I've seen every side of you ! I know you better than I know myself ! There's not a single person in this goddamn universe that knows you and love you more than I do. Because yes, even if it took me some time to see it, I love you. I love you truly, sincerely, deeply. I love you even when you're hurting me, even when you're ignoring me. It doesn't matter if you don't love me as much as I do: this one-sided love of mine is powerful enough to offset the smallness of your love.
Can't you see me ? Can't you acknowledge my feelings ? Can't you accept them ? I don't know how to act. Should I keep expressing my love ? Or should I conceal it and bury it deep down in my heart ?
The only thing I know is that I had to show at least a bit of it. Because loneliness has been eating me up since you started ignoring me. And it is still consuming me."

As I finish speaking, I collapse on the ground. All these days of pain and torment weakened me and even made me sick. I no longer have the strength to stand on my two feet and face Ael.


Guys! We are about to reach 1K!!!!! That's so cool! 

We are so happy that some people like the story! This week's chapter is the longest written so far ( the other part will be in the next chapter). We think that the next weeks chapter will be as long as this one. 

We have also a good news to share: we participate to the BAPA awards! 

Besides all these good news, we hope that you are all doing well and that you enjoy your holiday (if you have one).

Lots of Love


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