31. Sorry I'm sensitive

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Chapter 31: I shrugged, and a tired, but rude, self-deprecative smirk curled at the corner of my lip. "Sorry I'm sensitive."

The room had three maids more than usual; they had fought each other to be able to get in. All their eyes were turned towards one direction. A golden glow seemed to be shining on them from that spot.

Caeles leaned back against the couch, his elbow on the armrest as he placed his fingers against his temple. Unlike Cassian, he never had much will to ever hide his discomfort, so his eyebrows were tensed, a fold appearing between them. But even that crease only added to his attractiveness, as the people in the room couldn't take their eyes off of him. He laxly crossed his legs, the fabric pressing tightly against the muscles of his thighs. A maid pinched the girl standing next to her and she glared at her, quickly wiping at her mouth.

Caeles breathed out through his nose, bouncing his foot. It was a long wait, and usually he would have been either bored, or have stormed out by now but he continued to sit in place. He'd come here to talk to Marquess Viridis with his brother about some tensions that were rising, and they'd finished with the talk so he should have gone back home. But no, he was waiting. And not for his brother.

For Nora.

It's been a few days since the incident in the charity exhibition. It's been a few days since she'd fainted in his arms like that. Caeles clenched and unclenched his fingers. He still remembers the feel of holding her in his arms. He was so worried in that moment.

"Tch. That girl..." He clicked his tongue and the maids immediately turned their gaze back forward, averting their eyes with their hearts beating fast. Caeles ran his hand through the side of his hair, unmindful of their reactions.

He wanted to meet her. He just wanted to know how she was. And it was only proper, now that he'd come all the way to the estate, that he meet her before he left. Even though he was here to meet someone else.

A maid entered the room with a tray of tea that Caeles had dismissively agreed to have. He wasn't paying attention while giving his order, and said no to any treats. The maid walked carefully towards him, holding the tray that had a teapot of extremely hot water, an extraordinary imported teacup and an entire set of various tea leaves. She stood in front of Caeles as she waited for him to try the leaves. Caeles leaned forward in his seat, but it wasn't to smell the tea.

His fingers pressed against the extremely hot teapot, moving it to the side and the maid's eyes widened, a sound of shock leaving her lips. She looked at his eyes to see if he was alright, but he wasn't looking at the tray at all. His eyes were ahead, looking out of the room. He'd mindlessly pushed aside the hot teapot just so he could see better.

The dark-haired girl walking down the stairs. The lady of the house.

It's a heavy dress, I thought as I tried my best to look elegant, walking down the stairs. But so pretty. It was worth going out shopping with Rezel.

I was wearing a plum velvet lehenga dress with heavy gold embroidery. I was totally dressed up, with even gold flowers adoring my usually frizzy hair. Wow, I felt ready!

I was going to hang out with Mr Viridis until it was time, then we were going to the theatre house to see a popular play being performed and I was so excited. It was my first time going to... well, anything recreational that people of this world do, other than sneaking out the market, but that's not something noble people do.

Oh, and let's not forget getting absolutely wasted in the commoner's party with Rezel. I sucked in an awkward breath through my teeth as I thought about how wild I had been. Yeah, let's please not think of that in dad's company, let's not.

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