10. It's your turn to find me, dear

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Chapter 10: It's your turn to find me now, dear.

As if he expected my awed reaction, he gave me a smug grin.

"Your turn." He pulled his knee up and rested his elbow on it, holding up his chin as he looked at me. Why do I feel like I'm being looked down upon by a kid? His pose and status are kinda infuriating.

"...Rose," I mumbled and turned back to the view from the cliff. Should I leave? But I just got here. And isn't this the Marquess' property?

"How common." His disappointed reply came through, poking directly at a deep-sated complex of mine.

"Hah?" I snapped my head to him. Incredulous. Did he just criticize my real name?

"What about it? What's so great about being unique?"

"Roses are everywhere." He gestured around with arm, talking as if stating the obvious. "There's nothing new to see."

Of course, I thought with a glare. In this world, only the heroine is meant to be the most unique. I suddenly sighed, looking at him and feeling pity for a fellow side character. I spoke these words to both, myself and him.

"Roses are overused, but there's a reason why they're so popular. What's the point in striving to be different? We're all born unique anyway. Besides," I brought my knees to my chest and rested my chin on them. Was it because I was finally speaking to someone after so long? For some reason, I'm talking a lot.

"Instead of 'you're different, so I love you' I'd rather hear 'you're common, but I love you anyway.' Actually wait, still... just saying 'you're common' right to my face would just make me want to slap you. Ugh, is all this just wishful thinking? Am I just trying to comfort myself because I'm not the heroine? Actually, I think I'd like to be unique after all, but just to my special people, as the rest of the world doesn't really matter-"

"Lady, are you done yet?" the boy interrupted, an irritated tone in his voice. "It's been a while since I lost track of what you could have meant with all these words. So do you want to be unique or not?"

"Why are you asking me? Do you think it's that easy to answer that question?" I frowned, genuinely confused.

"Huh?! Isn't that what you've been going on about?"

"No, I've been saying...!" I snapped, feeling exasperated that my point wasn't getting across. "...That I don't really know! I just find it troublesome to always try so hard to be unique. What's wrong with roses and what's wrong with just being common? I'm just trying to live so stop judging me!"

"Who said I'm judging you...!" He questioned with disbelief.

"Not you. People in general. Agh, forget it, why am I speaking of my troubles to some kid anyway?" I grumbled to myself, realizing how I'm probably close to taking out my frustrations on a poor passing stranger. But for some reason, this banter had put me in a considerably better mood.

"I'll have you know, I'm not just some kid!" He lifted his chin and glared at me defiantly.

"Alright, you're a unique kid. Happy now?" Ah, there we go. I'm being rude and I feel guilty but I'm going ahead anyway.

"You know, you're a really rude woman. Like this, do you think anyone will love and want to marry you?" Wha-! Why am I guilty when my opponent isn't an angel, either!

"Who cares if anyone wants to marry me? I'm a 21st century woman. As long as I'm here for me, I'm fine. As if I need a person." Now I lifted my chin and stared back at him.

The Obsessive Villainess Vol. 1 ✔Where stories live. Discover now