26. Light is easy to love.

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Chapter 26:

Light is easy to love.
-Beneath the mask, is something very ugly. Something very dark.
So show me, as I wish to love the real you, my dear.

I was frozen in my place as he walked towards me.


My heart was jumping out of my chest.

Run, you fool!

It's like his eyes had pierced me in my place as they stared at me. I felt dizzy with fear.

I'm in fuckin' so much danger right now...

Even with these thoughts, my body refused to move. I stayed still with my heart beating out of my chest until... I watched a breath-taking smile bloom on his face as he walked right past me. I still didn't move as I heard voices from behind me.

"Lord Villin! We haven't seen each other since-"

I didn't hear more. I squeaked like a little mouse and fled out of the room with my tail tucked in.

Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck!

He saw me didn't he? Shit, he must have been able to tell I was scared, right? Fuck. Fuck, I need to get away. I quickly walked through the open corridor, my feet taking me as fast as they could without looking too suspicious. That man- no, that boy...

Alair Villin.

Or, the name given to him by his mother...

Alair Keir.

I turned around the corridor, my breath finally catching up to me.

I turned back paranoidly, making sure that I wasn't being followed. I didn't see any auburn hair, nor piercing silver eyes so I sighed in relief, and continued to walk slower.

...He looked younger than I imagined him to be.

Well, that's a given. There's still a few years for the book to start.

Although the cogs of the story have already begun to turn...

I can't believe I just met the main villain of this book. As expected, he gave a completely different feel from the rest of the main leads.

...He felt the most unreal. And absolutely terrifying.

He's a real psychopath; someone who doesn't feel any guilt or sorrow. They have superficial charm, a grandiose sense of self-worth, are manipulative and they... feel no fear.

What was his story again? Ah, yeah. It was tragic.

...That's a given for the villain, isn't it?

His mother was a noble who fell in love with a commoner and they ran away together. They got married and lived in a little cabin, where they gave birth to an ethereal little boy. Surviving was hard, but they managed; they had each other, and that's what mattered. Well, that was true for a few years until...

Bandits, was it?

Their little village, barely a village, was attacked by a group of ruthless bandits. Only the boy and his mother were home. He couldn't do anything as he watched it happen; he was just a little boy. His mother managed to get him to his senses- told him to run away. Run away, now. Keep running. The boy glanced at the door with teary eyes. His father had returned. There was a sound of a basket of fruits dropping as the man turned around to run away. The last thing his mother saw her lover abandoning her. Yet, she turned to her son and insisted, her voice screaming through her throat. Run. Don't you dare look back.

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