Behad 2

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Next day came a little too fast for both the families. Maira told whatever happened at the event yesterday to her grandfather and amma bi and now was preparing to go to school. Maira woke up early today as she was willing to cook something for Zayyan. When amma bi and her grandfather came to know about it they could see that Maira was excited for something after a very long time or she was just working like a robot spending the life without any wish or goal. Today her different behavior was a proof that old Maira was coming back to life a mere few hours with the baby had changed Maira. 

On the other hand Zayyan was a total different case, he didn't give a tough time in waking up today neither he threw tantrums at breakfast table alas he even  got ready and was now waiting for his father to get done with breakfast and drop him to school. Reason you may ask because Mr.Zayyan was allowed to meet his favorite aunty only if he behaves well and then can meet her often. Ameer had got a background check done on Maira just in case he was not ready to take any risk and was a bit sad to know that Maira was an orphan why the reason was still unknown to him. 

At evening Ameer came early from office and took Zayyan and Hiba with him to the park where they were supposed to meet there he could see a girl who was helping the little girl who had fallen due to a push by other kids and had hurt her knees. She not only stopped the cries of little girl but also bandaged her knees so well. She was surely a kid lover Ameer concluded. Ameer was busy gawking at her when Zayyan tried to free his hand from Ameer's hold so he could rush to Maira. Zayyan freed his hand and ran to Maira and hugged her waist with his little hands from behind. Maira got startled by this sudden hug and instantly knew it was the cute bavy boy whom she fell in love with at first sight his tears did something to her heart and like that only he occupied a big place in Maira's heart and life. "Aunty!! i missed you sooo much" Zayyan said showing with his little arms how much he had missed Maira on which Maira giggled capturing the grey eyed man's attention. Maira then hugged Zayyan and gave him kisses all over his face and then tickling Zayyan, like that they were lost in their little world. Ameer decided to make his presence known by clearance of throat "umm hey Maira how are you?" "Assalam o Alaikum Khan Sahab i am good Alhumdulillah. Hope you are doing well too. urrm if you don't mind can i hold Hira?" Maira looked with puppy eyes and how could he not melt in front of these eyes which held him captive and used to talk a lot he could sit all day and look deep into her eyes. Maira's fake cough brought him out of his dreamland and he handed Hira over to Maira in process their hands touching as well which gave a tingly feeling to both of them. Abeer felt her skin so soft but before he could go any further in the train of his stupid dreams he turned his  face and mentally face palmed himself that what was he even thinking he cannot let anyone enter his life again, but what he didn't know is someone has already entered he just needs to accept it.

While Maira settled with Zayyan and Hira after playing for an hour Ameer's phone rang he received the call and his expressions changed that to a tensed one he then turned towards Maira "Maira can i ask for a favour from you? can you look after the kids for a while there has been a problem in the office and i am needed their urgently." Maira gladly accepted the request "i would be more than happy to keep them with me just give me Hira's bag so i can give her milk and change her diaper whenever needed. If you don't mind can i take them to my place? actually its getting dark and my grandfather would be worried i will send you the location." Ameer instantly agreed and that's how their numbers were exchanged. 

Maira and kids had a great time at Maira's place. Hira was sleeping peacefully while Zayyan was having an arm wrestling with pops he gave this name to Maira's grandfather because according to him he was too cool and should be given some cool name. Their fun time was disturbed by a bell on the door Ameer had arrived to pick the kids but Zayyan still wasn't satisfied and asked him for some time more then Maira invited Ameer inside and asked him to have dinner with them on which he politely refused but Maira's grandfather insisted and Ameer couldn't refuse so here they were settled at the dining table. "pops who made this chicken this tastes so yummy can i take one more please?" who could refuse to such a cute face "yes baby why not take this and your aunt Maira made it for you specially" on this reply Ameer looked at Maira who eyes were shining as the little baby liked the food she made with so much hard work she was satisfied. Soon the dinner ended and it was time to bid bye Zayyan hugged everyone and promised pops and his aunt Maira that he will come again tomorrow on which Maira laughed. Ameer bought his hands forward to take Hira from Maira but as soon as she was passed to Ameer she started wailing loudly Ameer tried to stop her crying but the little one wouldn't budge finally Maira took Hira from his arms and started cooing her saying sweet nothings and the baby stopped crying instantly and her eyes started drooping as if she is sleepy so Maira made her sleep and once she was sure Hira wont wake up soon passed her to Ameer muttering a sorry for snatching Hira like that. Everyone was in shock and little Zayyan commented "see even she likes aunt Maira you are such a fairy" he said while touching her cheeks on which Maira blushed. The two pair of old eyes were noticing everything even the stares given by Mr.Khan and the things which his eyes were trying to say. 




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