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Later that same night, once Sherlock and Adeline had commiserated Mycroft, Sherlock invited his bride-to-be over for supper.

The pair had just gotten out of the carriage and were about to enter into Sherlock's home, when Adeline spotted a single Iris resting on the path, a message? Adeline thought to herself, remembering the meanings of flowers that Eurdoria had managed to install into her brain.

Adeline thought nothing of it, and continued inside.

Sherlock was quiet, even after having a nice drink out with Mycroft.

"Sherlock?" Adeline tried to enquire.

"I'll ask the housekeeper to put on supper for us." Sherlock said, and looked up with a smile.

"Okay." Adeline wasn't going to push it, she knew Sherlock wanted to see Enola again.

Sherlock walked off, when a knock at the door was heard. Sherlock made to turn around, but Adeline said.

"I'll get it."

So Adeline walked over to the door and opened it, she furrowed her eyebrows when there was no one at the door. But when Adeline looked down and saw a second Iris she knew something was up.

"Adeline." Came a whisper, from behind a shrub of bushes. Adeline became even more confused, but upon recognising the voice, hurried over to the shrub to meet the person.

"Eudoria! What are you doing here?" Adeline asked quickly.

"I don't have much time, but I came to see you." Eudoria replied.

"But, what about Sherlock?" Adeline questioned.

"There will come a time when I will see my son again, but for now, I've come to see you." Eurdoria told the girl.

"You've come to see me, whatever for?" Adeline responded.

"To thank you."

"Eudoria, I haven't done anything worth thanking." Adeline said.

"Oh, but you have." Eurdoria started.

"You were always there for Enola, whenever she needed you. You were there for her when I could not be, and I'll forever be thankful for that."

"Eurdoria, I love Enola, I would do anything for her." Adeline responded.

"But you were also, there for my boys, who I'm sure would've run amok without you." Eudoria replied.

Adeline reached over and grabbed Eudoria's hands in her own.

"Your boys were my best friends growing up, if at any point they needed me I would've dropped everything for them." Adeline remarked.

"Which is why I'm thanking you, silly." Eurdoria replied playfully.

"I also hear congratulations are in order." Eudoria said, holding up Adeline's hand.

"Thank you." Adeline said, and couldn't wipe the grin off her face, but then it dropped.

"Who told you?" Adeline asked.

"Enola." Eudoria responded.

"You've seen Enola?" Adeline asked, happy for the two.

"Yes... She's turned out to be the young lady I've always wanted her to be."

"She has indeed."

"Adeline!" Her name was called out.

Adeline turned towards the door where she could hear the sound coming from. A worried look formed on her face, she turned around to Eudoria to tell her to leave... Only she was already gone.

With one last look of confusion Adeline dashed to the door, and called out.

"Yes!" As if she was at the door the whole time, Adeline leaned against the door and looked out into the street.

There Eudoria was, standing on the other side of the road. Eudoria gave a wink to Adeline, and walked off.

"Who was at the door?" Sherlock questioned as he arrived at the door.

"Oh, no one." Adeline replied, with a secretive smile.

"Alright..." Sherlock replied.

"Supper will be ready in ten." Sherlock told Adeline, as the two walked inside and Sherlock shut the door.

"How do you feel about a June wedding?" Adeline asked suddenly.

Sherlock paused.

"I... I think that's a wonderful idea." He finally responded.

"Perfect. Just perfect." Sherlock raised his eyebrows at the woman, but she just giggled and shook her head.

A June wedding it is.


𝒂𝒅𝒐𝒓𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏 (𝒔𝒉𝒆𝒓𝒍𝒐𝒄𝒌 𝒉𝒐𝒍𝒎𝒆𝒔)Where stories live. Discover now