Let's focus on Christmas shopping for now

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                        Trisha's POV

We all said goodbyes to each other on the last day before the holidays and went home.

I was relaxing on the sofa when  Amanda came to me and asked, "what's wrong with you? ".

"What do you mean, ? "I asked back not knowing what she was asking.

"I mean what's bothering you. Something is wrong. I can tell, "she said confidently.

Amanda is really good at reading people specially me. She can tell when something is not ok with me.

"Nothing I am fine, "I said trying to dodge the interrogation.

"No, no, there is something. I have been observing you after the game night and you seem upset, "she said.

"It's nothing Amanda,really,"I tried to calm her but she being she asked again "And yes why were you ignoring Shawn. Is it about him,?"she asked scrunching her eyebrows.

"I always ignore him. It's not like we are buddies or something, "I answered immediately at the mention of Shawn, not wanting Amanda to think something else.

" No, there is something. you at least reply to his silly talks and he makes efforts too but it was like he was also keeping distance but not willingly. So tell me what happened? " she asked.

I knew there was no way I could escape from the situation, Amanda is too good at this. If not a journalist, she can always become a cop. So, accepting my fate I told her the whole story.

"They what! she exclaimed after hearing everything and continued, " Jeremy should have punched them. "


" What! They have really crossed the limit this time. Thank god you were not injured badly and thanks to Jeremy too that he was there for you, ' she reasoned.

"I know and that's why I asked them to stay away till Christmas, " I said.

"Okay, let's forget them. We have four days till you forgive them plus we have shopping to do. " she said.

"Hey! Who said anything about forgiving them? " I asked.

"Sis, I know you. If you didn't have to make a point, you would have forgiven them already, " she explained.

"Point." I said, knowing that she is right.

I just want them to realize that fighting is not an solution. It can only do damage like ruining friendship or injure someone or in my case both.

"Let's rest for a hour and then we will go for Christmas shopping. How's that?" Amanda asked.

"Sounds like a nice plan".

Amanda and I went to buy presents for Christmas. Christmas is something we both look forward to every year. It's really fun. I won't lie that I don't miss my biological parents but then again my Copper family never lets me feel low.

We both have to buy present for our friends and four people in our family, for each other, mom, dad and our favourite the senior Cooper aka our grandpa. Now he is the real deal. When the Coopers adopt me everyone was supportive but grandpa he was the one I became most close to. He lives in another town and comes only on special occasions like birthdays, festivals and holidays. Christmas becomes four times more fun with him.

Both Amanda and I bought presents for everyone with each other's help but yes when it came to buy it for each other we didn't let each other see what we got for each other. It could ruin the fun and we both couldn't miss the chance to see the reaction we would have when we would see it.

I bought a gift for Shawn too. Now don't get me wrong, even though he acts silly and all but he is a nice guy, so while buying for other friends I bought one for him.

After the hectic shopping, we had some snacks and coffee at a cafe and then called it a day.

I was eagerly waiting for Christmas. Ahh I couldn't wait. I was too excited. I was the most excited about grandpa coming on Christmas and then he would stay till New Year. That's what he always does. Hope everyone likes my presents. This year, all thanks to changing my school, I have new friends for whom I bought gifts.

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