What the F

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                      Trisha's POV

After that too shocking revelation of what a blunder I had done and my reconciliation with Jeremy I had to spend two weeks at home as I was grounded by mom with full support of my dad. Well that's history now. But it turned out to be beneficial in a way as now I had plenty of time to think how I was gonna rectify the mistake I had done and what I would say to Shawn. I mean this was the first time a guy told me he liked me and the cherry on the top was that I liked him too but no no no my luck had to intervene like some vamp of a daily soap.

Those two weeks went by pretty quickly with me doing a lot of thinking and yes I got some ideas. Not only ideas, I had infact prepared a whole conversation playing Shawn's part by myself as well. Ain't I awesome?

After those two weeks ended I had a lot to do. I had my volunteering coming up at the hospital plus my brother was graduating. Yeeppeee. But it was sad at the same time as he would go to college then. Mixed emotions you could say.

Finally the graduation day came and Amanda and I both went to attend it. It was such proud moment to see Jer wearing that robe and that graduation hat. I almost cried. I had tears in my eyes but I controlled it. Reason being when I cry about one thing I start remembering all the other sad things and become a crying mess. Don't know if it happens with others too or should I need to get myself checked. Anyway, so I controlled myself as no one would want a crying mess at their graduation.

After the graduation ceremony Amanda and I went out with Jer and his friends to celebrate the big day. They were our seniors, so it wasn't a big deal. We knew them all. We had a lot of fun that day.

I had started my volunteering before the graduation day, so few weeks went by me being busy with the hospital work and all.

After a month or so came the day to say goodbye. Not for ever but still. Jer was to go to his college campus two weeks before our new session. I didn't hold back that day. My brother was leaving for college. One of my very close people. How could I stop myself.

"Hey hey, why are you crying. I am not going forever. I will come on holidays and you can also visit me anytime. It's not that far," Jer said trying hard to console me.

"I know....... But..... Still," I managed to utter between my hiccups." I am gonna miss you so much," I hugged him tightly.

"Me too. Now stop with the tsunami of tears."

I sniffed," Don't you dare make any other sister there. I am warning you."

"I would be a complete moron if I would go to college and still make a girl my sister. Plus one is enough for me," he started laughing.

This made me laugh too. But then I remembered how he liked Amanda, so I pull him closer to me and whispered in his ears," What about my sister? She is gonna come to your college next year. Don't go around flirting," I warned him.

"Okay okay your highness. But we don't know if that would happen."

"It will happen. I have a hunch," I smiled.

"Let's hope for the best," Jer smiled too.

"If you brother sister are done, can I hug him goodbye too," that was Amanda.

"He is all yours," I said winking at Jer.

Amanda didn't understand my point and just went to hug Jer. Her back was facing me and Jer was the one who could see me so I didn't miss the opportunity to tease him.

Finally we bid him farewell and he sat in the car with his parents to go to the campus. Before going he again reminding me of clearing everything with Shawn and even give him update about every single thing and I only responded with," Aye aye captain." What else could I have said. Even I was nervous of what would happen. How would Shawn react. Will he be angry or will he hug me. So many thoughts playing jumping jumping on my head sometimes causing bad headaches. Arghhh. Still two weeks left. Hope everything goes well.

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