Why me?????

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It has been a week since Amanda's birthday and we are back to our old self. But ya she tries to be a little civil at home   but not as much as she was on her birthday. But something is better than nothing, right? So I was going to the library when someone told me that coach Mike was looking for me. So I went to see him.

"Good morning coach!, " I greeted him.

"Ahh a very good moy to you too Trisha, "  He greeted back.
(He is awfully chirpy today).

"You called me? Is there any problem? ", I asked.

" No! No! There is no problem. It's just that I need you help", he said.

"My help? (Pause). Sure what can I do for you? , " I asked him.

"It's about Shawn Allen. Your fellow classmate. I wanna talk about his performance in chemistry, " He said.

"Shawn Allen? Well you are asking the wrong person. Plus how can I tell about his chemistry performance, he hasn't attended the class for a week now", I informed him.

" I know and that's the reason I wanna talk to you, "he said and added, " You see he had been busy with his game and missed few classes and now Mrs Pearson is angry. She thinks he is neglecting her subject. So she had put a condition that if Shawn will not perform well in her chemistry test which is after 4 days, she would complain to Principal West and will ask him to take off Shawn's name from the players' list for the next game, "he explained the whole situation.

" Well that too bad but what does that have to do with me? Shouldn't you be telling this to Shawn? ", I asked with a confused look.

" Well I want you to give him chemistry lessons and prepare him for the test. That's what it has to do with you", he said casually.

"Me? Why me? ", I asked. Plus Shawn would never agree to this.

" Well you are a bright student. I know you help other students too. And as for Shawn's approval, he had already said yes, "he told me.

" He what? How could he do this? He knows we don't get along that well", I started muttering in anger.

"Shawn is a fast learner. Plus his sports Career is at stakes. I want to make him captain next year. But I will only be able to do so if he performs well now", he said.

" Okay I will do it, "I agreed and went straight to Shwan for some explanation.

                        Shawn's POV

I have been skipping my chemistry classe for a week now. Well I had no choice. Match is in few weeks and we need to practice. But today coach Mike told me that Mrs Pearson is not happy with my behavior and had threatened to complain to Principal West and this would cost me my position in the team in the upcoming match. I was worried. But coach said that there is a solution.
He told me to take classes from Trisha and score good in Chemistry tests. I have to perform well in both the test and the match, so I agreed.
I was in the playground when out of nowhere Trisha came and started yelling at me.

"Why did you do that?", she asked in a not so calm manner.

" Why did I di what? ", I asked completely oblivion of the situation.

" Don't act as if you have no idea what I am talking about", she said and added, " I am talking about coach Mike and his brilliant idea.

"Oh that" I said now aware of the situation.

"Are you really this eager to tease/bully me that you involved teachers in this", she asked.

" What! No! I would never do that to you. I really need to score good. I wanna play the match. Both the things are important to me and it was Coach whi suggested you name and I agreed because I know you are good at chemistry well you are good at all the subjects", I tried to calm her down.

"Okay then. Get ready to study Me Allen. Even I wanna see how serious are you", she said more like threatened.

" We should start from today at my place then", I suggested.

"No! I mean not at your place. Not today. We have four days. So two days at your house and two at mine", she told her idea.

" Sounds good to me. So I will meet you at 5 then, Cooper, ' I said and left for my next class.

                        Trisha's POV

I had agreed to tutor Shawn but I have to tell Amanda. It's not like I am obligated or something but I don't wanna jeopardize whatever relationship we are having right now because if some boy.

So I told her everything and she took it pretty well. But asked me not to get too close to him. As if I am dying to.
Now that everything has been sorted out I need to focus on Shawn. I mean on teaching Shawn. Arghhh the cons of being an A grade student.

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