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❝ Magic will find those with pure hearts, even when all seems lost.❞ 


Gen sat in front seat of the taxi, anxiously biting her lip, her phone in her hand as she glanced at Daniel who was beside her driving the taxi. Her eyes flickered back to the screen as she kept her eye on Jack. Gen was the one keeping track of Jack as he raced down the streets in a FBI car, Henley was in a van filled with dummies, while Merritt was driving a yellow school bus. 

Their plan sounded stupid on hearing, but everything was so fucked up crazy, it might actually work.

Gen glanced outside the window, Jack was racing down the road the cops hot on his tail and nerved filled her system.

"Everyone ready? Can you all hear me?" She spoke in the earpiece and waited for response from her friends. 

"Hearing you, Gen." Henley's voice spoke through the earpiece. 

"Loud and clear.

Gen turned toward Danny as their eyes met and he nodded.

"Alright, plan is in action." Gen announced loudly. 

The blonde's eyes were glued to Jack's car, following his every move on her phone as the red dot moved at a high speed toward the bridge, Agent Dray and Rhodes closing behind him.

"Be ready. Jack is less than a mile away." Gen informed the others as she bit her lip nervously.

It was time for distraction now.

"Hold on." Daniel warned, swerving to the left to block Alma from passing them. Gen grabbed a hold of the seat in front of her as the cab pulled in another lane after Jack passed them.

Glancing behind her shoulder, she noticed that Alma and Dylan were stuck now and grinned at Daniel.

"Merritt, it's your turn." The blonde said in her earpiece, waited for a moment, before speaking again. "Now!"

She and Danny both watched as the bus into the position in front of FBI agents, cutting their sight of Jack. 

Gen looked at the black car in front of the bus, before giving Merritt the last order. "Let the car go."

Merritt gave her thumbs up when she looked at him through the window as the two of them made eye contact. The identical car was released from the front of the bus, just as Daniel moved  the cab in the second lane. 

"We need to pass the car, it's gonna flip." said Gen to Danny urgently. They passed the car just in time as the car began to flip over on itself, rolling down the road. 

"Holy shit." Danny exclaimed as they looked at the car from the rearview mirror.

"We did it, guys." Merritt spoke through the earpiece. 

"Yeah, we did it." Gen breathed out as she looked at Danny. The two made eye contact, grinning at each other.

"I see Rhodes running towards the car." Henley said and everyone's eye went behind where Dylan could be seen running toward the wrecked car.

"We need to leave." Daniel said turning his eyes in front. 

"Let's go." 


Reaching their safe house, the first thing Gen did was call Jack. After hearing his voice, she felt more at peace and assured. Even thinking about Jack being in that car, made her sick. Now they were preparing to make a video for their fallen friend. 

The TV was on, playing the news of the car crash that happened not more than two hours ago. The footage replayed on the screen made her skin crawl.

"Today, the unfolding story of a popular and controversial group of magicians, who have been fast capturing the public's imagination, took a dark turn when a police action that began in Chinatown developed into a dramatic, high-speed chase across the 59th Street Bridge, which caused a fatal collision that took the life of Jack Wilder, one of the so-called Five Horsemen."

No one made noise as they watched the news. The atmosphere was thick as they glanced at each other. Gen had to remind herself that Jack was well and alive.

"The whereabouts of the other four Horsemen remain unknown at this time."

When needed, Gen could be a really great actress. The four magicians were sitting in front of the camera, telling their fans about their final show. Everyone had sour expression on their faces and tears in their eyes thinking about what if jack died, as they faced the camera.

"More than anything in his life," Daniel started. "Jack wanted to be the most famous magician who ever lived. And I can't say he achieved it, but I do hope wherever he is, it is full of magic. But the point is. . ." Daniel's voice cracked as he paused to compose himself. 

"The point is. . .the point of why we are here," Gen said taking over, as her eyes glistened with tears. "Is to say that we are not. . .We cannot quit now."

"We've started something bigger than all of us." Merritt continued. "We have to finish it."

"Remember the name of Jack Wilder when you see us live, 5 Pointz Queens, 7 o'clock." Henley announced, her eyes glazing with unshed tears. 

Gen stood up and stopped the camera from the recording, before taking out her laptop and posting it on YouTube. She looked up from her laptop to other horsemen as they did their work. She was becoming sentimental. Tonight was their last show and what would happen afterwards was for future to know. Whether they would get caught by the police or not now depended on the existence of The Eye. 

She looked at them, and memories flooded her brain. When she first met them in that rundown apartment, they were just some strangers she was supposed to be working with. Now they were her family. Gen had given up on the fantasy of having a family long ago when she was young. Her mother's death and her father's disownment had made her lose faith in the word Family, and she never thought she would ever have a family. 

But it was before she met these wonderful people. They reminded her what is it like to have family, to be loved and to be important to someone. And without realizing she let them in the walls she had created long time ago and she found a family.

They were her family, and she loved them.

"It's time." Danny said interrupting her thoughts, as he looked at each of them.

"Let's go then." Gen said standing up. It was time for the last stand. 

The last part before the show was out into action as they made their way to the warehouse. Merritt did his part of the plan, which was hypnotizing the FBI agents head.

They all got into the position to put the mirror up. They had to make sure the safe looked like it was missing and then replace it with a fake one filled with balloon animals.

Danny pressed the button to lower the mirror. He turned around and grinned at them. Gen smiled right back at him.

"The box was never empty." Henley said, as she grinned at all of them.

Everything was in place. The false safe was already in the truck ready to go to five pointz queens. They all fled the building before the FBI could get there. There was part was done, now it was on Jack to get the money and it put it into Thaddeus Bradley's car.

"I love this plan." Gen said grinning as she walked in between Danny and Henley wrapping her hands around their necks.

"They would know not to mess with us." Henley added with a grin. 

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