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❝Logic only gives man what he needs...
Magic gives him what he wants.❞


The next morning was very peaceful and serene and they all knew it wouldn't last any longer. The only question was how long. Merritt was laying on the couch with a book in hand: The Savage Detectives by Roberto Bolano. Danny was by the window watching the city as he shuffled the cards in his hand, Jack was lounging in the chair while both Henley and Gen were upstairs packing their things. 

"I saw you and Danny last night talking on the terrace." Henley said as she locked the bag in which all her clothes were kept. 

Gen stopped whatever she was doing and eyed Henley weirdly. She could see where this was going.

"So, did anything happen between you two?" Henley asked excited, proving her suspicions true.

"It wasn't anything like that." Gen said glaring at her best friend who was grinning. "We just talked."

"About what?"

"I told him my about my past." Gen explained. Henley already knew about Gen's past as she had told her a few months ago.

"So you bonded." Henley stated grinning. "And Danny never bonds with anyone. I'm sure you're a special one."

"Please, it wasn't anything like that." Gen said rolling her eyes. "Anyway, why is FBI hasn't come yet? Aren't they taking too long?"

"Who knows?" Henley shrugged. "These people aren't the smartest."

"I'm going down," Gen said standing up as she walked toward the door. "I need some coffee."

"I'm coming in a minute."

Gen walked downstairs and made her way to the coffee machine and grabbed a large mug from the cabinet. Just when her coffee was made, and she was going to take her first sip, the FBI stormed in with their guns pointed and frantic agents rushed into the room.

"FBI! Hand where I can see them!"

None of the horsemen showed surprise or any interest.

"Hands up!" A specific agent pointed his gun toward Gen as she sipped on her coffee, lazily leaning on the counter. 

"At least let me finish my coffee." Gen exclaimed frustrated, but when the gun didn't move, she laid her coffee mug on the counter and raised her hand. "Okay fine!"

It didn't take any time for Daniel to raise their hands, while Jack did it lazily from his seat.

"Put the book down!" 

Merritt sighed before putting the book down and raised his hands. "Okay, you got me."

Henley made her appearance, as she came down the stairs from above with travelling bags in her hand.

"Freeze! Hands in the air!"

"Do one of you guys mind giving us a hand with our bags?" She asked innocently with her hands raised to the agents pointing the guns at her. 

Each one of them was handcuffed and then escorted outside, with FBI agents surrounding them with their luggage. A crowd had gathered around them and they all were cheering for the Five Horsemen. Gen gave her fans a charming smile as she walked behind Henley and in front of Daniel. 

It was going to be long day.


After being dumped into a small interview room, Gen was chained handcuffed that were bolted through the floor and threaded up through a metal table. The room was all grey and it was making her more sleepy that she already was. 

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