Chapter 46

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The feeling in the bottom of my stomached we drove to my grandfathers house made me uneasy. My grandfather has been updated to every single detail. He cursed my mother for bringing such an unstable man into their life, she should've stayed away like she warned. The anxiety of this all is driving me insane, I just want to be with my family right now but instead I'm dealing with an egotistical, psychopath who wants nothing but power like a ten year old child. It's actually irritating having to be in this position it's my sperm donor, he's given me nothing but hell my entire life, I should've killed him when I had the chance all those years ago.

"Dro you're getting a call," Reno's voice rang out pulling me out of my thoughts. Looking down on my lap I see an unknown number flashed across my screen.

I didn't even give the phone another chance to vibrate; I answered it swiftly. "Hello,"

"My son," A deep voice chuckled. "Why are you avoiding me after what you just did to my warehouses,"

"I'm not your fucking son," I scoffed. Reno and Tarzan both flashed me a look, Tarzan pulled the car over and the side of the road to wait for the call to end. No point in going the my grandfather's, if this son of a bitch is close by or watching me. "Plus, you started this. You're greedy and full of odio that you could never put to the side that I don't want your shitty family legacy, I'm a fucking Colombo. You had your chance with me but you failed, did nothing but turn me cold. Where the fuck are you?"

He laughed after a few seconds. I knew that hurt him, fuck his family and fuck him. They've never treated me as apart of their family like they treated Sarah. With the training that my grandfather put in me- krav maga, foreign languages, gum training- even at a young age, they used me as a weapon. Forced me to kill and do their avenging because I can be in and out before they even know that their dead. I did things I never wanted to do, all for them. All for people who hated me. When word got out that I was basically their fucking vigilant warrior, my grandfather took me back and I never looked back.

"Well, Mr. Colombo, let's say we have a chat at my favorite place. That's if you still know me," He laughed and hung up. I still know you, you fucker. My gun will get to know you too.

His so called favorite place is an abandoned church he found in New Jersey. It wasn't a big one, though it is big enough for him to hold "meetings" and is almost completely sound proof.

"We're going to Jersey," I simply said and looked out the window. A plane in the sky flying caused my stomach to knot, is that Grace's plane? Maybe. Grace. The beautiful ebony woman came into my life and wrecked my cold heart, brought me out of my comfort zone and showed me true love in many forms. I may never see her face again, my father plays dirty. I'll never underestimate the man, again he's a psychopath with unstable ways.






When we pulled up to the church, with reinforcements, I already knew this was just the beginning. I'm not sure if anyone else sees them but men are attempting to hide in bushes and on the roof with guns.

"Oh they wanna play with big boys," I heard Tarzan say and I immediately knew his crazy ass spotted the men. He turned to me in the back. "Lift up the seat next to you, there's a bag with my babies in them,"

"Lift up the seat? What kind of car is this Tarzan?" I muttered as I followed his instructions. I pulled out a black duffel bag and unzipped it, seven different types of AR's and semi automatic guns gleamed in the light. "Crazy motherfucker," I laughed.

While Tarzan parked behind a bush and shut off the car, Reno loaded up our guns then dispersed them. I also found grenades and flash bombs. Who the hell is giving this man military grade explosives? I didn't ask any questions this time, I sent a quick text to my reinforcements that we are to take the men outside the building out and to carry extra rounds, this man has tricks up his sleeve if he wants to meet here. I think I know exactly what he has planned and I'll do it for my family.

We snuck up on the security and before I could even think twice, we are in a shootout. The laser on my gun helped with my aim as the men ran to conceal themselves. Pretty soon we advanced forward with Tarzan leading us.

"I think we're good," He said to us. We walked towards the entrance but I paused. This seemed a little too easy, I know this man and he loves a show. You'd think instead of trying to run- an obviously failing- mafia, go direct Broadway or something.

"No, don't touch that fucking door Tarzan," I quickly said. Tarzan snapped his hand away and sighed. Thin, almost transparent, strings wrapped around the door. We would've been blown to pieces and didn't even know it.

"Ahhh," The very annoying voice of Mr. DiNero entered my ears. "You are smart," He chuckled.

I spun around and aimed my gun at him. "Keep talking," I urged.

"I have a special place for you, it's hell," He laughed then drew his gun too and fired. He missed me by a hair, I could hear the bullet fly past my face.

This time, I shot at him trying to get out of his point blank range. My men didn't move, I can tell they want to but they don't know what is even going on. The shot rang out and hit him in his leg.

Suddenly, the building behind us exploded. Half of my men, gone. Reno and Tarzan are coughing but are ok. Luckily none of the building dropped on them. This is what I meant by he has to put on a show. The air became so smoky, that I couldn't see my men anymore- the ones who are still alive.

"Just you and me, bastardo," I heard my fathers voice. I can't even see him.

"Show your face you fucking coward!" I yelled. I heard him laugh and soon saw a red beam hovering over my heart.

It's like my world stopped. Grace. Our year and a half together flashed before my eyes and our children. I'll never know my daughter or my son. I'll never know who they'll grow up to be. A tear slipped out of my eye.

I love you g-



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