Chapter 43

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The sound of the City Girl's latest album blasted in my ears from my air pods, while the sun warmed my almost naked body made me smile. Vacation.  I'm currently laying poolside tanning with coconut oil lathered all over me. I'm definitely feeling relaxed right now, though my mind keeps running back to my children. I miss them so much right now. I wonder what Rico and Alessa is doing with Sarah right now.

One of my AirPods popped out of my ear. "Girl I got the drinks," My soon to be alcoholic little sister smiled.

"Thank God," Shay muttered which caused me to laugh. "It's hot as hell,"

"Too hot," I agreed with her then grabbed my drink. We haven't had a situation in the day that we've been here and hopefully we won't have another one.

"I can't believe they let us out," Renee laughed. She sat next to me forcing me to scoot over. "Damn bitch move your ass over,"

"You're the one with the big ass that decided to sit on my chair, gwan over deso man," I mushed her.

"Yuh nuh wah sit next to me?" She asked with fake hurt dripping all over her words.

"No if I wanted to sit next you I would've, move man," By now she's trying her hardest not to laugh while I chug my drink. "I'll throw the rest of this on you,"

"There's nothing left. You're worse than this one," she pointed to Shay. I looked at my cup and sure enough it's empty. "Want another?"

"Absolutely I'm pumping and dumping tonight," I laughed as my body got warmer from whatever the hell Renee ordered.

"You sure are because there's this nightclub I wanna hit up," Renee said over her shoulder before going back to the bar.

"How're you?" Shay asked me. I glanced at her tanning skin before looking away.

"I'm doing good. I just miss my kids," I smiled. I can't stop thinking about Alessa and Rico. Dro has been sending me pictures like I asked but he's been responding to me dry. He always says I love you at the end of the night but that's it for the most part.

"I miss my baby too," Shay smiled. "You know I haven't had a drank since he was born?" I gave her a look and she laughed. "Ok I have but not like this. I haven't had more than a glass of wine at dinner. He changed my life,"

"I know how you feel," I nodded.

"But since we don't have them let's enjoy ourselves. Not just alcohol but adventure, deal?" Shay wiggled her finger finger in my face.

I wrapped my finger around hers. "Deal,"

"What're y'all up to?" Renee raised her brows as she struggled to carry the extra drinks.

"Apparently a hangover," I can't believe she brought this many drinks back but this girl must be Irish because she can drink.





After tanning and swimming at the pool, we ate and then napped for a few hours. So now Shay and Renee are forcing me to do makeup and get dressed.

"You guys do realized that I'm pumping milk right now," I rolled my eyes at them.

Renee walked over to me. "What happened to the portable one?"

"It's charging so I can use it at the club. So yes, y'all have to wait until I'm drained," I smirked as they rolled their eyes.

"I just have to get dressed so I'll do your makeup," Renee got up and grabbed my makeup bag off of bathroom counter. "What're you wearing?"

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