Chapter 20: Paparazzi (part 2)

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Zoe's POV

My body was in panic, my mind yelling for me to move, but somehow I couldn't.

I was too late.

Ready to embrace my death, my eyes began to close.

Seconds later, I started to wonder if I had died and somehow hadn't felt a thing.

I heard the sound of screeched tyres, bringing me back to reality.

I opened my eyes to see the van just a meter away.

'I'm alive!' my mind finally registered.

A smile formed on my face whilst my hand rubbed my belly.

How did I miss the van? I could have sworn I hadn't seen a single car.

I made a mental promise never to put my child's life in danger again.

The door to the van opened as I prepared myself for a major scolding.

Instead of a frightening, angry drive. About eight people got out of the van, each with a camera around their necks.

That's when I noticed the big bold letters on the van that read: E-way news.

I was almost bumped by the paparazzi!

As I was about to escape, they surround me and started taking pictures.

I shielded my face with my arm as the cameras continued flashing.

I turned in all directions with no way out.

That's when I felt the last bit of strength that was holding me together slowly come apart.

My eye were whelmed up with tears and I felt my knees weaken.

After a near-death experience all they could do was take pictures. What was wrong with people? As long at it paid people didn't mind tramping all over others.

I heard the sound of screeched tyres, grabbing my attention.

A meter away, a car stopped followed by it's door opening.

"Get in!" The driver yelled.

I wiped my tears to see Tom in the driver's seat.

I thought he was annoying the first time we met but right now I couldn't be any happier to see him.

I pushed past the crowd with all the strength I had left and rushed into the car.

Immediately after I closed the door, the car drove away before I could even put my seat belt on.

Throw the ray view mirror, I noticed the paparazzi still taking pictures.

"Are you okay?" Tom asked, his eyes glued to the road.

His New Zealand accent suddenly sounded like an American one.

I nodded trying to wipe my tears away.

I put my seat belt on and removed the sunglasses.

I held myself into a hug, still a bit shaken.

All I could think about was Alexandra and his words, he warned me that something like this would happen.

Thinking Alex was trying to control me, I refused to listen.

I should have at least given him the benefit of the doubt considering we are from completely different worlds, he surely knows a lot about this.

At least he was stubborn enough to let Tom stick around. I didn't know what I would have done if he hadn't came to my rescue.

My phone rang, bringing me out of my thoughts.

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